suriyun-production / mmorpg-kit-docs

This is document for MMORPG KIT project (!/content/110188?aid=1100lGeN)
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error when importing assets #2414

Closed nammaster31 closed 5 months ago

nammaster31 commented 5 months ago

bug hello I'm a newbie, after importing your package into the new project, here are 2 errors that appear that I can't fix, can someone help me, very grateful

insthync commented 5 months ago

Hmm, weird, can you find ZLogger folder in your project's assets?

nammaster31 commented 5 months ago

Hmm, weird, can you find ZLogger folder in your project's assets?

bugâ Is it?

nammaster31 commented 5 months ago

Hmm, weird, can you find ZLogger folder in your project's assets?

i'm so sorry about the original error message, that happened after i deleted zlogger because i couldn't find a solution, this is the real error, so sorry ![Uploading bug3.PNG…]()

insthync commented 5 months ago

Hmm, so.. what is the problem?

nammaster31 commented 5 months ago

Hmm, so.. what is the problem?

bug3 here sir,sorry I'm new even to github or anything related to unity

insthync commented 5 months ago

Which unity version ?, Which MMORPG kit version ?

nammaster31 commented 5 months ago

Which unity version ?, Which MMORPG kit version ?

Unity version is 2022.3.18f1 and 1.87 ver of kit

insthync commented 5 months ago

It should work

insthync commented 5 months ago

Please send me your invoice ID to my email:

insthync commented 5 months ago

Nothing sent to me, I will determine that you've got it from pirate site, and I won't help you (If you do then I have 2 words for you but I think you can guess what are them) ;)