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attack while moving #2477

Closed Gamadorium closed 1 month ago

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

In the mobile version, when we press the attack button for straight hits while the character is moving, he does not attack. The character has to stand still to attack. What settings do we need to make to make straight hits while walking for some combos and a better attack flow?

insthync commented 1 month ago

I am not sure how is it, you may try change weapon's fire type to automatic, and test it, and see if it is as you wish or not.

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

Actually, I think there is something that prevents this because there is no such problem in the PC version. You can attack while the character is walking and the character performs the attack, but this is not possible on mobile. I think there is something that prevents us from pressing both the walk and attack buttons at the same time.

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

What I'm actually talking about is this;

insthync commented 1 month ago

I saw many Metin 2 videos, seems like it is a popular game, but I still don't know what is a problem.

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

As you can see in the video, when we want to attack while the character is moving, there is something that prevents walking, what I mean is that while the character is attacking, he moves forward after each combo, as in the previous video, but I think there is something preventing this.

insthync commented 1 month ago

How about move speed rate while attacking setting?

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

I don't have much technical knowledge on this subject, so I don't fully understand what you mean.

insthync commented 1 month ago

Your weapon setting

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

image Yes, exactly increasing the value here a little worked for me, thank you very much.

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

I would like to ask one last question on this topic in order to avoid confusion.

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago




Here is the animation group of a creature in my project. I added an active "Run" animation to run towards the player, but the problem is that the monster does not use this animation while running towards the character and constantly displays the "Walk" animation. Moreover, even if the monster comes near the player, it moves back without attacking the player. How can I overcome it?

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

insthync commented 1 month ago

Did you set it's base stats -> move speed?

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

image yes

insthync commented 1 month ago

Did you set move animation clip, not walk, not sprint?

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

image Actually, I only defined the animations and did not put any speed rate on them. Can this be fixed by doing this?

insthync commented 1 month ago


Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

So what would you suggest me to fix the situation I mentioned?

insthync commented 1 month ago

I asked you about move animation setting

insthync commented 1 month ago

The default move not walk not sprint

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

Where can I find this? Where exactly should I look?

insthync commented 1 month ago

Nearby in the images you've sent

insthync commented 1 month ago

Set run animation to DefaultAnimations -> moveStates

And set walk to DefaultAnimations -> walkStates

Don't have to set sprint

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

image So are you telling me to use the animations here and remove the sprint animations?

insthync commented 1 month ago

Can you just try it before ask ?

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

This worked, thank you very much, could you please answer my last question if you have time? Question ;

insthync commented 1 month ago

3 hours ago, you've told me that you want to ask one last question.

You are very annoying.

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

@insthync I thought you created this place to ask questions and find answers, my friend. You are so rude

insthync commented 1 month ago

If you think that I told you are very annoying is so rude, then yes, I am.

But you should realize that is because you said last question, but you keeping asking new question, and it is not relates to the attacking/moving anymore, it is very annoying, is n't it ?

You should just ask, I don't want to know it is the last question or not, so don't tell me that and lying with new questions.

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

I was just asking the questions that came to my mind, I think you are having a bad day, you are very aggressive, I was sending my questions instead of opening new topics to avoid extra pollution, but you broke my heart in a way I didn't understand. Anyway, thank you.

insthync commented 1 month ago

It is better to create a new post because it will be easier for bug/feature tracking.

Gamadorium commented 1 month ago

I didn't know this, I apologize if I was rude, I respect your job and you, of course, if I offended you by thinking that you may have been tired and stressful during the day, I apologize again, take care of yourself, see you later.