suriyun-production / mmorpg-kit-docs

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[BUG?] - Blendshape UI components Character Creation #2500

Open LordPhrozen opened 1 month ago

LordPhrozen commented 1 month ago

Morning Suri!

I set up the components how I think they are meant to, and made a quick little prefab ( since there is no default prefab for blendshapes ).


I get the two blend shapes I created showing up in character creation. However, changing the values does not change the blendshape on the character.


A couple of notes: 1) I am unsure if anything needs to be populated in the "Setting Id Prefix" field. 2) Skinned Mesh Renderer is correctly set to the player model's main mesh ( the one with blendshapes ). 3) There is also a UI component called "UI Blendshape List Selection Manager" that I am unsure where to put/configure.

Can you please advise if theres something I'm missing?
