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[BUG] Atk speed #2505

Closed gochaboy1 closed 2 weeks ago

gochaboy1 commented 2 weeks ago

After updating to the latest version, I noticed a strange bug! If in the item settings in the Fire Config section the rate of fire parameter has any value, then the atk speed parameter stops working image image

There is no such bug in earlier versions. I don't know for sure whether this is a bug or a fix, but in case this is a deliberate fix, I want to know where the code was changed, since I want to return the old version

insthync commented 2 weeks ago

Why the atk speed is needed if you are going to use rate of fire?

for animation?

gochaboy1 commented 2 weeks ago

Why the atk speed is needed if you are going to use rate of fire?

for animation?

This is very important for me, the rate of fire parameter reproduces my attack animations smoothly and as needed, I literally set it to 80-100 on every weapon. And the normal attack speed is also a necessary parameter for me. And both of these parameters are vital for me. If you don't want to release this, please let me know where the code was changed.

insthync commented 2 weeks ago

I think it has only codes in a DefaultCharacterAttackComponent component, What is your previous version, so I can make a comparision.

gochaboy1 commented 2 weeks ago

image I think I found

insthync commented 2 weeks ago

I never seen that one, how did you find it? :P

gochaboy1 commented 2 weeks ago

I never seen that one, how did you find it? :P

I bought it on February 24, 2024 that means version 1.87 or 1.88! I just don't know how to view the version correctly. As for your question, just click on your asset in the package manager, and it will appear in the inspector (but apparently this is false information, since version 1.88 is indicated everywhere


insthync commented 2 weeks ago

Okay, I will gradually compare it with 1.87

gochaboy1 commented 2 weeks ago

I am attaching my DefaultCharacterAttackComponent from the version where there is no bug, perhaps this is custom editing using chatgpt (I’m already completely confused) unfortunately. but when I try to use this code, errors appear in the new version

uusing Cysharp.Threading.Tasks; using LiteNetLib; using LiteNetLibManager; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using UnityEngine;

namespace MultiplayerARPG { [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterActionComponentManager))] public class DefaultCharacterAttackComponent : BaseNetworkedGameEntityComponent, ICharacterAttackComponent { public const float DEFAULT_TOTAL_DURATION = 2f; public const float DEFAULT_TRIGGER_DURATION = 1f; public const float DEFAULT_STATE_SETUP_DELAY = 1f;

    protected struct AttackState
        public int SimulateSeed;
        public bool IsLeftHand;

    protected readonly List<CancellationTokenSource> _attackCancellationTokenSources = new List<CancellationTokenSource>();
    public bool IsAttacking
            return _simulateState.HasValue;
    public float LastAttackEndTime { get; protected set; }
    protected bool _skipMovementValidation;
    public bool IsSkipMovementValidationWhileAttacking { get { return _skipMovementValidation; } set { _skipMovementValidation = value; } }
    protected bool _shouldUseRootMotion;
    public bool IsUseRootMotionWhileAttacking { get { return _shouldUseRootMotion; } protected set { _shouldUseRootMotion = value; } }
    public float MoveSpeedRateWhileAttacking { get; protected set; }
    public MovementRestriction MovementRestrictionWhileAttacking { get; protected set; }
    protected float _totalDuration;
    public float AttackTotalDuration { get { return _totalDuration; } set { _totalDuration = value; } }
    protected float[] _triggerDurations;
    public float[] AttackTriggerDurations { get { return _triggerDurations; } set { _triggerDurations = value; } }
    public AnimActionType AnimActionType { get; protected set; }
    public int AnimActionDataId { get; protected set; }
    public IHitRegistrationManager HitRegistrationManager { get { return BaseGameNetworkManager.Singleton.HitRegistrationManager; } }

    public bool doNotRandomAnimation;
    public float animationResetDelay = 2f;

    protected CharacterActionComponentManager _manager;
    protected int _lastAttackAnimationIndex = 0;
    protected int _lastAttackDataId = 0;
    // Network data sending
    protected AttackState? _simulateState;
    // Logging data
    bool _entityIsPlayer = false;
    BasePlayerCharacterEntity _playerCharacterEntity = null;

    public override void EntityStart()
        _manager = GetComponent<CharacterActionComponentManager>();
        if (Entity is BasePlayerCharacterEntity)
            _entityIsPlayer = true;
            _playerCharacterEntity = Entity as BasePlayerCharacterEntity;

    protected virtual void SetAttackActionStates(AnimActionType animActionType, int animActionDataId, AttackState simulateState)
        AnimActionType = animActionType;
        AnimActionDataId = animActionDataId;
        _simulateState = simulateState;

    public virtual void ClearAttackStates()
        _simulateState = null;

    protected virtual async UniTaskVoid AttackRoutine(long peerTimestamp, AttackState simulateState)
        int simulateSeed = GetSimulateSeed(peerTimestamp);
        bool isLeftHand = simulateState.IsLeftHand;
        if (simulateState.SimulateSeed == 0)
            simulateState.SimulateSeed = simulateSeed;
            simulateSeed = simulateState.SimulateSeed;

        // Prepare time
        float time = Time.unscaledTime;
        float deltaTime = Time.unscaledDeltaTime;

        // Prepare required data and get weapon data
            ref isLeftHand,
            out AnimActionType animActionType,
            out int animActionDataId,
            out CharacterItem weapon);

        // Get playing animation index
        int randomMax = 1;
        switch (animActionType)
            case AnimActionType.AttackLeftHand:
                randomMax = Entity.CharacterModel.GetLeftHandAttackRandomMax(animActionDataId);
            case AnimActionType.AttackRightHand:
                randomMax = Entity.CharacterModel.GetRightHandAttackRandomMax(animActionDataId);
        if (time - LastAttackEndTime > animationResetDelay || _lastAttackDataId != animActionDataId)
            _lastAttackAnimationIndex = 0;
        int animationIndex = _lastAttackAnimationIndex++;
        if (!doNotRandomAnimation)
            animationIndex = GenericUtils.RandomInt(simulateSeed, 0, randomMax);
        if (_lastAttackAnimationIndex >= randomMax)
            _lastAttackAnimationIndex = 0;
        _lastAttackDataId = animActionDataId;

        // Prepare required data and get animation data
            out float animSpeedRate,
            out _triggerDurations,
            out _totalDuration);

        // Set doing action state at clients and server
        SetAttackActionStates(animActionType, animActionDataId, simulateState);

        // Prepare required data and get damages data
        IWeaponItem weaponItem = weapon.GetWeaponItem();
        if (weaponItem.RateOfFire > 0)
            _totalDuration = 60f / weaponItem.RateOfFire;
        DamageInfo damageInfo = Entity.GetWeaponDamageInfo(weaponItem);
        Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> damageAmounts;
        if (isLeftHand && Entity.GetCaches().LeftHandDamages != null)
            damageAmounts = new Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat>(Entity.GetCaches().LeftHandDamages);
            damageAmounts = new Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat>(Entity.GetCaches().RightHandDamages);

        // Calculate move speed rate while doing action at clients and server
        MoveSpeedRateWhileAttacking = Entity.GetMoveSpeedRateWhileAttacking(weaponItem);
        MovementRestrictionWhileAttacking = Entity.GetMovementRestrictionWhileAttacking(weaponItem);

        // Get play speed multiplier will use it to play animation faster or slower based on attack speed stats
        animSpeedRate *= Entity.GetAnimSpeedRate(AnimActionType);

        // Last attack end time
        float remainsDuration = DEFAULT_TOTAL_DURATION;
        LastAttackEndTime = time + DEFAULT_TOTAL_DURATION;
        if (_totalDuration >= 0f)
            remainsDuration = _totalDuration;
            LastAttackEndTime = time + (_totalDuration / animSpeedRate);

        if (IsServer)
            // Do something with buffs when attack

        // Prepare cancellation
        CancellationTokenSource attackCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            bool tpsModelAvailable = Entity.CharacterModel != null && Entity.CharacterModel.gameObject.activeSelf;
            BaseCharacterModel vehicleModel = Entity.PassengingVehicleModel as BaseCharacterModel;
            bool vehicleModelAvailable = vehicleModel != null;
            bool fpsModelAvailable = IsClient && Entity.FpsModel != null && Entity.FpsModel.gameObject.activeSelf;

            // Play action animation
            if (tpsModelAvailable)
                Entity.CharacterModel.PlayActionAnimation(AnimActionType, AnimActionDataId, animationIndex, out _skipMovementValidation, out _shouldUseRootMotion, animSpeedRate);
            if (vehicleModelAvailable)
                vehicleModel.PlayActionAnimation(AnimActionType, AnimActionDataId, animationIndex, out _skipMovementValidation, out _shouldUseRootMotion, animSpeedRate);
            if (fpsModelAvailable)
                Entity.FpsModel.PlayActionAnimation(AnimActionType, AnimActionDataId, animationIndex, out _, out _, animSpeedRate);

            // Try setup state data (maybe by animation clip events or state machine behaviours), if it was not set up
            if (_triggerDurations == null || _triggerDurations.Length == 0 || _totalDuration < 0f)
                // Wait some components to setup proper `attackTriggerDurations` and `attackTotalDuration` within `DEFAULT_STATE_SETUP_DELAY`
                float setupDelayCountDown = DEFAULT_STATE_SETUP_DELAY;
                    await UniTask.Yield(attackCancellationTokenSource.Token);
                    setupDelayCountDown -= deltaTime;
                } while (setupDelayCountDown > 0 && (_triggerDurations == null || _triggerDurations.Length == 0 || _totalDuration < 0f));
                if (setupDelayCountDown <= 0f)
                    // Can't setup properly, so try to setup manually to make it still workable
                    remainsDuration = DEFAULT_TOTAL_DURATION - DEFAULT_STATE_SETUP_DELAY;
                    _triggerDurations = new float[1]
                    // Can setup, so set proper `remainsDuration` and `LastAttackEndTime` value
                    remainsDuration = _totalDuration;
                    LastAttackEndTime = time + (_totalDuration / animSpeedRate);

            // Prepare hit register validation, it will be used later when receive attack start/end events from clients
            HitRegistrationManager.PrepareHitRegValidation(Entity, simulateSeed, _triggerDurations, weaponItem.FireSpread, damageInfo, damageAmounts, isLeftHand, weapon, null, 0);
            if (_entityIsPlayer && IsServer)
                GameInstance.ServerLogHandlers.LogAttackStart(_playerCharacterEntity, simulateSeed, _triggerDurations, weaponItem.FireSpread, isLeftHand, weapon);

            float tempTriggerDuration;
            for (byte triggerIndex = 0; triggerIndex < _triggerDurations.Length; ++triggerIndex)
                // Wait until triggger before play special effects
                tempTriggerDuration = _triggerDurations[triggerIndex];
                remainsDuration -= tempTriggerDuration;
                await UniTask.Delay((int)(tempTriggerDuration / animSpeedRate * 1000f), true, PlayerLoopTiming.FixedUpdate, attackCancellationTokenSource.Token);

                // Special effects will plays on clients only
                if (IsClient)
                    // Play weapon launch special effects
                    if (tpsModelAvailable)
                    if (fpsModelAvailable)
                    // Play launch sfx
                    AudioClipWithVolumeSettings audioClip = weaponItem.LaunchClip;
                    if (audioClip != null)
                        AudioManager.PlaySfxClipAtAudioSource(audioClip.audioClip, Entity.CharacterModel.GenericAudioSource, audioClip.GetRandomedVolume());

                await UniTask.Yield(attackCancellationTokenSource.Token);
                // Get aim position by character's forward
                AimPosition aimPosition = Entity.AimPosition;

                // Call on attack to extend attack functionality while attacking
                bool overrideDefaultAttack = false;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<BaseSkill, int> skillLevel in Entity.CachedData.Skills)
                    if (skillLevel.Value <= 0)
                    if (skillLevel.Key.OnAttack(Entity, skillLevel.Value, isLeftHand, weapon, simulateSeed, triggerIndex, damageAmounts, aimPosition))
                        overrideDefaultAttack = true;

                // Skip attack function when applied skills (buffs) will override default attack functionality
                if (!overrideDefaultAttack)
                    // Trigger attack event
                    Entity.OnAttackRoutine(isLeftHand, weapon, simulateSeed, triggerIndex, damageInfo, damageAmounts, aimPosition);

                    // Apply attack damages
                    if ((IsServer && IsOwnerClient) || IsOwnedByServer)
                        if (!Entity.DecreaseAmmos(weapon, isLeftHand, 1, out Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> increaseDamageAmounts))
                        RPC(RpcSimulateActionTrigger, BaseGameEntity.STATE_DATA_CHANNEL, DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, new SimulateActionTriggerData()
                            simulateSeed = simulateSeed,
                            triggerIndex = triggerIndex,
                            aimPosition = aimPosition,
                        ApplyAttack(isLeftHand, weapon, simulateSeed, triggerIndex, damageInfo, damageAmounts, increaseDamageAmounts, aimPosition);
                    else if (IsOwnerClient)
                        Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> increaseDamageAmounts = Entity.GetIncreaseDamagesByAmmo(weapon);
                        RPC(CmdSimulateActionTrigger, BaseGameEntity.STATE_DATA_CHANNEL, DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, new SimulateActionTriggerData()
                            simulateSeed = simulateSeed,
                            triggerIndex = triggerIndex,
                            aimPosition = aimPosition,
                        ApplyAttack(isLeftHand, weapon, simulateSeed, triggerIndex, damageInfo, damageAmounts, increaseDamageAmounts, aimPosition);

                if (remainsDuration <= 0f)
                    // Stop trigger animations loop

            if (IsServer && weaponItem.DestroyImmediatelyAfterFired)
                EquipWeapons equipWeapons = Entity.EquipWeapons;
                if (isLeftHand)
                    equipWeapons.leftHand = CharacterItem.Empty;
                    equipWeapons.rightHand = CharacterItem.Empty;
                Entity.EquipWeapons = equipWeapons;

            if (remainsDuration > 0f)
                // Wait until animation ends to stop actions
                await UniTask.Delay((int)(remainsDuration / animSpeedRate * 1000f), true, PlayerLoopTiming.FixedUpdate, attackCancellationTokenSource.Token);
        catch (System.OperationCanceledException)
            // Catch the cancellation
            LastAttackEndTime = Time.unscaledTime;
            if (_entityIsPlayer && IsServer)
                GameInstance.ServerLogHandlers.LogAttackInterrupt(_playerCharacterEntity, simulateSeed);
        catch (System.Exception ex)
            // Other errors
            Logging.LogException(LogTag, ex);
            if (_entityIsPlayer && IsServer)
                GameInstance.ServerLogHandlers.LogAttackEnd(_playerCharacterEntity, simulateSeed);
        await UniTask.Yield();
        // Clear action states at clients and server

    protected void CmdSimulateActionTrigger(SimulateActionTriggerData data)
        HitValidateData validateData = HitRegistrationManager.GetHitValidateData(Entity, data.simulateSeed);
        if (validateData == null)
            if (_entityIsPlayer && IsServer)
                GameInstance.ServerLogHandlers.LogAttackTriggerFail(_playerCharacterEntity, data.simulateSeed, data.triggerIndex, ActionTriggerFailReasons.NoValidateData);
        if (!Entity.DecreaseAmmos(validateData.Weapon, validateData.IsLeftHand, 1, out Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> increaseDamageAmounts))
            if (_entityIsPlayer && IsServer)
                GameInstance.ServerLogHandlers.LogAttackTriggerFail(_playerCharacterEntity, data.simulateSeed, data.triggerIndex, ActionTriggerFailReasons.NotEnoughResources);
        HitRegistrationManager.ConfirmHitRegValidation(Entity, data.simulateSeed, data.triggerIndex, increaseDamageAmounts);
        RPC(RpcSimulateActionTrigger, BaseGameEntity.STATE_DATA_CHANNEL, DeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, data);
        ApplyAttack(validateData.IsLeftHand, validateData.Weapon, data.simulateSeed, data.triggerIndex, validateData.DamageInfo, validateData.BaseDamageAmounts, increaseDamageAmounts, data.aimPosition);
        if (_entityIsPlayer && IsServer)
            GameInstance.ServerLogHandlers.LogAttackTrigger(_playerCharacterEntity, data.simulateSeed, data.triggerIndex);

    protected void RpcSimulateActionTrigger(SimulateActionTriggerData data)
        if (IsServer)
        if (IsOwnerClientOrOwnedByServer)
        HitValidateData validateData = HitRegistrationManager.GetHitValidateData(Entity, data.simulateSeed);
        if (validateData == null)
        Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> increaseDamageAmounts = Entity.GetIncreaseDamagesByAmmo(validateData.Weapon);
        ApplyAttack(validateData.IsLeftHand, validateData.Weapon, data.simulateSeed, data.triggerIndex, validateData.DamageInfo, validateData.BaseDamageAmounts, increaseDamageAmounts, data.aimPosition);

    protected virtual void ApplyAttack(bool isLeftHand, CharacterItem weapon, int simulateSeed, byte triggerIndex, DamageInfo damageInfo, Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> damageAmounts, Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat> increaseDamageAmounts, AimPosition aimPosition)
        byte fireSpread = 0;
        Vector3 fireStagger =;
        if (weapon != null && weapon.GetWeaponItem() != null)
            // For monsters, their weapon can be null so have to avoid null exception
            fireSpread = weapon.GetWeaponItem().FireSpread;
            fireStagger = weapon.GetWeaponItem().FireStagger;

        // Make sure it won't increase damage to the wrong collction
        damageAmounts = damageAmounts == null ? new Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat>() : new Dictionary<DamageElement, MinMaxFloat>(damageAmounts);
        // Increase damage amounts
        if (increaseDamageAmounts != null && increaseDamageAmounts.Count > 0)
            damageAmounts = GameDataHelpers.CombineDamages(damageAmounts, increaseDamageAmounts);

        for (byte spreadIndex = 0; spreadIndex < fireSpread + 1; ++spreadIndex)

    public virtual void CancelAttack()
        for (int i = _attackCancellationTokenSources.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            if (!_attackCancellationTokenSources[i].IsCancellationRequested)

    public virtual void Attack(bool isLeftHand)
        long timestamp = Manager.Timestamp;
        if (!IsServer && IsOwnerClient)
            ProceedAttack(timestamp, isLeftHand);
            RPC(CmdAttack, timestamp, isLeftHand);
        else if (IsOwnerClientOrOwnedByServer)
            PreceedCmdAttack(timestamp, isLeftHand);

    protected void CmdAttack(long peerTimestamp, bool isLeftHand)
        PreceedCmdAttack(peerTimestamp, isLeftHand);

    protected void PreceedCmdAttack(long peerTimestamp, bool isLeftHand)
        if (!_manager.IsAcceptNewAction())
        // Speed hack avoidance
        if (Time.unscaledTime - LastAttackEndTime < -0.2f)
        ProceedAttack(peerTimestamp, isLeftHand);
        RPC(RpcAttack, peerTimestamp, isLeftHand);

    protected void RpcAttack(long peerTimestamp, bool isLeftHand)
        if (IsServer || IsOwnerClient)
            // Don't play attacking animation again
        ProceedAttack(peerTimestamp, isLeftHand);

    protected void ProceedAttack(long peerTimestamp, bool isLeftHand)
        AttackState simulateState = new AttackState()
            SimulateSeed = GetSimulateSeed(peerTimestamp),
            IsLeftHand = isLeftHand,
        AttackRoutine(peerTimestamp, simulateState).Forget();

    private int GetSimulateSeed(long timestamp)
        return (int)(timestamp % 16384);


gochaboy1 commented 2 weeks ago

Okay, I will gradually compare it with 1.87

I don’t know how correct this solution is, but I just commented out 2 lines of code in the new version and it helped. If this decision is not correct, I will wait for an answer. Thank you

        // Get play speed multiplier will use it to play animation faster or slower based on attack speed stats
        animSpeedRate *= Entity.GetAnimSpeedRate(AnimActionType);
        //if (weaponItem.RateOfFire > 0)
           // animSpeedRate = 1f;
insthync commented 2 weeks ago

Okay, it is fine, I will apply it to mine too.