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Help with Photon pvp ( PUN2 ARENA ) #250

Closed Jmora55g closed 1 month ago

Jmora55g commented 1 year ago

Good when I configure the photon server with the asset installed inside unity and everything perfect, always gives me the same error and does not let me or logearme.te I leave here the error to see if you can help me please.

Captura de pantalla 2023-05-08 160711

A second question would be how to implement this pvp to my game taking into account that I have changed much of the aesthetics of the template, because if I put the scenes as it changes everything. Could you tell me what I would have to incorporate in a simple way so that my previous work is not loaded to implement the pvp?

I am a little desperate to introduce pvp in the game, please if you could give me a hand,

Thank you and a big hug I leave below the network error

OnGameServiceError: ERROR_NETWORK UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) GameInstance:OnGameServiceError (string,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction) (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/Game/GameInstance.cs:122) GameInstance:OnGameServiceError (string) (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/Game/GameInstance.cs:129) UIAuthentication:OnError (string) (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/UI/Player/UIAuthentication.cs:72) BaseGameService:HandleResult (PlayerResult,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction1<PlayerResult>,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction1) (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/GameService/BaseGameService.cs:83) BaseGameService/<>cDisplayClass22_0:b0 (PlayerResult) (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/GameService/BaseGameService.cs:98) WebServiceClient/<>cDisplayClass25_0:b0 (UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest,PlayerResult) (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/GameService/Implement/WebServiceClient/WebServiceClient.cs:316) WebServiceClient/<>c__DisplayClass9_0`1:b0 (UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest) (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/GameService/Implement/WebServiceClient/WebServiceClient.cs:127) WebServiceClient/d10:MoveNext () (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/GameService/Implement/WebServiceClient/WebServiceClient.cs:180) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)

insthync commented 1 month ago

You have to setup and make it able to connect to rpg-php-service first.