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BattleResult bug #264

Closed Koodetat closed 9 months ago

Koodetat commented 9 months ago


I have noted two bugs:

The first one can be reproduced only when placing a single character in a formation, making it impossible to complete a stage.

ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: id LiteDB.LiteCollection1[T].FindById (LiteDB.BsonValue id) (at <751cdf508bc14b20a0c722990ee83aa8>:0) LiteDbGameService.DoFinishStage (System.String playerId, System.String loginToken, System.String session, EBattleResult battleResult, System.Int32 totalDamage, System.Int32 deadCharacters, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction1[T0] onFinish) (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/GameService/Implement/LiteDb/LiteDbGameServiceBattle.cs:125) BaseGameService.FinishStage (System.String session, EBattleResult battleResult, System.Int32 totalDamage, System.Int32 deadCharacters, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction1[T0] onSuccess, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction1[T0] onError) (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/GameService/BaseGameService.cs:254) BaseGamePlayManager.WinGame () (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/GamePlay/BaseGamePlayManager.cs:153) BaseGamePlayManager+<WinGameRoutine>d__74.MoveNext () (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/GamePlay/BaseGamePlayManager.cs:146) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)

The second one has already been confirmed here #257

tested in a fresh installation.

Thank you

insthync commented 9 months ago

Is this a proper way to reproduce it ?

Is it have any error messages for the second one?

insthync commented 9 months ago

The second one was fixed, but I forget to upload it

Koodetat commented 9 months ago

Yep, that's right, but you need to win the match (not give up or leave).

insthync commented 9 months ago

Fixed, just add a null checking.