suriyun-production / turnbase-rpg-docs

This is document for Turnbase RPG project (!/content/107578?aid=1100lGeN)
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PunBattleScene shows 500 Internal Server Error #266

Closed brabaris closed 1 month ago

brabaris commented 5 months ago

Hello! Problems with Photon Arena on a new installation. After PunLobby, PunBattleScene shows 500 Internal Server Error. Unity version 2022.3.10f, Turnbase RPG version 1.25b, Newtonsoft Json version 3.0.2. Web server configuration: Apache 2.4, PHP 8.0, MySQL 8.0

Turnbase RPG downloaded from here: Realtime (PUN) downloaded from here:

The errors differ only in playerId:

[GET->Error] ?action=arena-formation-characters-and-equipments&playerId=1 HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error <!DOCTYPE html>

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

Too few arguments to function GetArenaFormationCharactersAndEquipments(), 1 passed in D:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\rpg-php-service-master\index.php on line 231 and exactly 2 expected [D:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\rpg-php-service-master\functions\Arena.php:185]

[D:/OpenServer/domains/localhost/rpg-php-service-master/index.php:231] GetArenaFormationCharactersAndEquipments()

UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) WebServiceClient/d__7:MoveNext () (at Assets/RPGGame/Core/Scripts/GameService/Implement/WebServiceClient/WebServiceClient.cs:100) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)

insthync commented 5 months ago

I will check it

brabaris commented 5 months ago

Forgot to add screenshots... 0 1 2

brabaris commented 5 months ago

Any idea what's causing the error in Arena.php?

insthync commented 4 months ago

Try this

brabaris commented 4 months ago

I did it (Removed $formationDataId from Arena.php), the error is not displayed, but working in Photon is incorrect! There is no attack animation, the automatic attack works, although there is still time left, damage is not displayed correctly, corpses are not displayed... I showed everything on video.

insthync commented 4 months ago

Oh, please wait, this one seems to be hard to fix

insthync commented 1 month ago

Fixed, please wait for a new update