when I access to submenu of the page, it reports page not found issue because of the submenu is based on root of the domain instead of subfoler of a domain when deploy astro as a subfolder of a domain.
for instance, my domain is pengtech.net and I deploy to git@github.com:guoapeng/astro.git as subfolder of https://pengtech.net, after that I can successfully access to https://pengtech.net/astro.
when I access to submenu of the page, it reports page not found issue because of the submenu is based on root of the domain instead of subfoler of a domain when deploy astro as a subfolder of a domain.
for instance, my domain is pengtech.net and I deploy to git@github.com:guoapeng/astro.git as subfolder of https://pengtech.net, after that I can successfully access to https://pengtech.net/astro.
but when I clicking on blog menu, it is navigating me to https://pengtech.net/blog instead of https://pengtech.net/astro/blog.
I did configure the base in astro.config.mjs and then built the project. but that only take effect to the index page.
to reproduce the issue, please visit the page https://pengtech.net/astro/ and click on any menu to see.