Open kevjustice opened 3 years ago
I can't seem to get the theme to work from a CDN. Codemirror is working but no highlighting whatsoever.
Output is:
And it is loaded:
Can you please advise?
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" > <div id="shortcodes"> <form class="vueform" @submit.prevent> <label for="name">Name:</label> <input id="name" type="text" v-model="" > <label for="enabled">Enabled:</label> <input id="enabled" type="checkbox" v-model="editrow.enabled" > <codemirror class="form-control" ref="cm" v-model="editrow.code" :options="cmOption" :loadtheme="true"> </codemirror> <button class="btn button is-primary" @click="checkData" style="margin-right:20px;">Save</button> <button class="btn button" @click="cancelEdit">Cancel</button> </form> </div> <script type="module"> Vue.use(VueCodemirror) var app = new Vue({ el: '#shortcodes', data () { return { editrow: [], cmOption: { lineNumbers: true, styleActiveLine: true, tabSize: 4, mode: 'text/javascript', theme: 'monokai' } } }, mounted () { <<<code here>>> }, computed: { cm() { return this.$ } }, methods: { <<more code>> } }); </script>
Is anyone home?
I can't seem to get the theme to work from a CDN. Codemirror is working but no highlighting whatsoever.
Output is:
And it is loaded:
Can you please advise?