surmon-china / vue-quill-editor

@quilljs editor component for @vuejs(2)
MIT License
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Unknown custom element: <md-card> #38

Closed wyu-prc closed 7 years ago

wyu-prc commented 7 years ago

I used the global setting. The chrome console print Chrome console [Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.

main.js import Vue from 'vue' import router from './router' import VueResource from 'vue-resource' import vuexStore from './store/store' import VueQuillEditor from 'vue-quill-editor' import App from './App'


new Vue({ el: '#app', router: router, store: vuexStore, template: '', components: { App } })

surmon-china commented 7 years ago

The <md-card> tag is used for example project, delete is will be work.