surmon-china / vue-quill-editor

@quilljs editor component for @vuejs(2)
MIT License
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image如何上传服务器并插入editor #51

Closed beibeijerry closed 7 years ago

beibeijerry commented 7 years ago


  1. issue 只接受带重现的 bug 报告,请不要用来提问题!不符合要求的 issue 会被直接关闭。
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  4. 在提出问题前,请仔细阅读REMADE.md并在已关闭的问题中寻找与自身相关的问题,它极有可能已经被解决。
  5. 问题请严格按照以下模板BUG REPORT TEMPLATE编写,禁止在标题中堆砌!

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shockwavemoto commented 7 years ago

Try to search for your issue, it may have already been answered or even fixed in the development branch.

It is required that you clearly describe the steps necessary to reproduce the issue you are running into. Issues with no clear repro steps will not be triaged. If an issue labeled "need repro" receives no further input from the issue author for more than 5 days, it will be closed.

It is recommended that you make a JSFiddle/JSBin/Codepen to demonstrate your issue. You could start with this template that already includes the latest version of Vue.

For potential SSR (Server Side Rendering) issue or bugs that involves build setups, you can create a reproduction repository with steps in the README.

If your issue is resolved but still open, don’t hesitate to close it. In case you found a solution by yourself, it could be helpful to explain how you fixed it.

1008611 commented 7 years ago

i used the customButtonClick to upload pictures(change the base64 to img url ) . i can get the img url but can not insert the img url in content.


        var range = this.$refs.myTextEditor.quillEditor.getSelection()
        var length = range.index;

        var imageUrl = 'http://xxxxx/content/images/thumbs/0004868.jpeg'

        this.quillEditor.insertEmbed(length, 'image', imageUrl);

insertEmbed() all undefined is customButton can not get the content focus

I have solved this problem by using a Clumsy method:

      onEditorFocus(editor) {
//        console.log('editor focus!', editor)
        this.editor = editor
      onEditorReady(editor) {
//        console.log('editor ready!', editor)
        this.editor = editor


        var range

        if (this.editor.getSelection() != null) {
          range = this.editor.getSelection()
          this.length = range.index
        } else {
          this.length = this.content.length

other code  same as [#21](    to upload img (base64  to url)       get the imgUrl
  finally  insert  the imgUrl
  this.editor.insertEmbed(this.length, 'image', this.imgUrl);

vue-quill-editor base64 to imgUrl

surmon-china commented 7 years ago

看到简书文章了,是dmeo 代码中实例名称定义错误,应该是quill,而非quillEditor