surrealdb / surrealdb.js

SurrealDB SDK for JavaScript
Apache License 2.0
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Bug: Record links inside results of select() not serialized properly? #281

Closed lylejohnson closed 3 weeks ago

lylejohnson commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

The response I get from a call to select does not properly serialize embedded record links (record IDs). As a result, the resulting record ID strings are unusuable in subsequent calls to select.

Steps to reproduce

Here's the query in Surrealist:

SELECT attributes[0] FROM entity:⟨0079835f-100d-43b0-841f-82e273b85abf⟩

and its result, as displayed in Surrealist:

        attributes: {
            entitySchemaAttributeId: entity_schema_attribute:⟨374767882363491847329045203645024659⟩,
            id: '304589270060571',
            value: 'thesis atque theca'

Note that here, the entitySchemaAttributeId field's value is correctly rendered as a record ID.

However, when I use select in my application to query for the same record:

async getEntity(entityId: string): Promise<SurrealEntity> {
    const response = await<SurrealEntity>(new StringRecordId(entityId));
    console.log(`getEntity: response.attributes[0]: ${response.attributes[0].entitySchemaAttributeId}`);
    return response;

It's removing those special bracket characters:

getEntity: response.attributes[0]: entity_schema_attribute:374767882363491847329045203645024659,

This is a change in behavior from 0.11.1.

Expected behaviour

I'd expect the serialization from select for embedded record links like these to be like it was before (or, that there's a documented way to get them to that format?)

SurrealDB version

1.5.0 for linux on x86_64

SurrealDB.js version


Contact Details

Is there an existing issue for this?

Code of Conduct

kearfy commented 3 weeks ago

Good spot! Thanks. I'll get that sorted