surrealroad / alfred-reminders

Manages reminders in
MIT License
670 stars 44 forks source link

Support for Big Sur? #88

Open ElanSchonfeld opened 4 years ago

kennonb commented 4 years ago

This seems to be an issue with loading Chrono.js through $.NSFileManager. I tried to fix it but wasn't having much luck. What I did was just disable the date parsing for now so I can still make use of quick entry into a List or from an App.

If you replace the contents of the "r" Script Filter with the following it should work:

var window = {} // required for chrono.js to function properly, see

function run(argv) {
    var query = argv[0],
        results = {},
        jsonResult = {},
        shouldQuit = !isRemindersRunning();

    if(query == "help") {
        results = showHelpItems();
    } else {
        results = parseReminderQuery(query);

    jsonResult['items'] = results['items'];
    jsonResult['variables'] = {
    return JSON.stringify(jsonResult);

function isRemindersRunning() {
    return Application('Reminders').running();

// returns a dictionary corresponding to an Alfred action item
// arg: Alfred item arg
// valid: true|false whether to enable action
// reminderText: text of the reminder
// date: remind me date
// whenText: text corresponding to the remind me date
// priority: 1|2|3 reminder priority value
function getAction(options) {
    var Reminders = Application('Reminders');
  var arg = options['arg'],
    valid = options['valid'],
    icon = "",
    title = "Add Reminder",
    subtitle = "Create a new reminder";

  if(options['reminderText']) subtitle += " to \"" + options['reminderText'] + "\"";
  else if(options['application'] && options['application']['text']) subtitle += " about \"" + options['application']['text'] + "\"";

  if(options['date']) {
    subtitle += " on " + options['date'].toString();

  if(options['whenText']) {
    title = "Remind me " + options['whenText'];

  if(options['application']) {
    var appname = options['application']['appname'];
    icon = options['application']['icon'];
    title += " from " + appname;

  if(options['priority']) {
    switch(parseInt(options['priority'])) {
      case 0:
      case 1:
        title += " (low priority)"
        subtitle += " (low priority)"
      case 2:
        title += " (medium priority)"
        subtitle += " (medium priority)"
      case 3:
        title += " (high priority)"
        subtitle += " (high priority)"

    if(options['reminderList']) {
        // verify a matching list exists
        lists = Reminders.lists.whose({name:options['reminderList']})
        if(lists.length) {
            subtitle += " in the " + lists[0].name() + " list";
        }   else {
            valid = false;
            title = "Cannot create reminder"
            subtitle = "No list called \"" + options['reminderList'] + "\" was found in Reminders";
            // TODO: maybe add a different icon here

  var item = {title:title, arg:arg, valid:valid, subtitle:subtitle, icon:{path:icon}};
  return item;

// returns a dictionary containing data to make a reminder
// arg: Alfred item arg
// reminderText: text of the reminder
// reminderBody: body text for the reminder
// date: remind me date
// list: reminder list name
// priority: 1|2|3 reminder priority value
// application: application name
function getReminderData(options) {
  var arg = options['arg'],
    text = options['reminderText'],
    priority = options['priority'],
    body = "",
    date = "",
    application = "",
    list = "";

  if(options['reminderBody']) {
    body = options['reminderBody'];

  if(options['date']) {
    date = options['date'];

  if(options['application']) {
    application = options['application']['appname'];
    if(!text) text = options['application']['text'];
    if(!body) body = options['application']['body'];

  if(options['reminderList']) {
    list = options['reminderList'];

  var data = {arg:arg, text:text, body:body, date:date, list:list, priority:parseInt(priority), application:application}
  return data

function parseReminderQuery(query) {
    var originalQuery = query;
    var parsedReminder = {}
    var items = []
    var reminders = []

  // list supported applications along with the associated JXA to fetch information
  var supportedReminderApplications = [
    {appname:"Address Book", icon:"Address Book.png", reminderText:'Application("Contacts").selection()[0].name()', reminderBody:'"addressbook://" + Application("Contacts").selection()[0].id()'},
        {appname:"AdobeAcrobat", icon:"AcrobatPro.png", reminderText:'Application("Adobe Acrobat")', reminderBody:'var p = Application("Adobe Acrobat").activeDoc.fileAlias().toString(); if(p) "file://" + escape(p)'},
        {appname:"Chromium", icon:"Chromium.png", reminderText:'Application("Chromium").windows[0].activeTab.title();', reminderBody:'Application("Chromium").windows[0].activeTab.url();'},
        {appname:"Contacts", icon:"Address Book.png", reminderText:'Application("Contacts").selection()[0].name()', reminderBody:'"addressbook://" + Application("Contacts").selection()[0].id()'},
        {appname:"Finder", icon:"Finder.png", reminderText:'Application("Finder").selection()[0].name()', reminderBody:'Application("Finder").selection()[0].url()'},
        {appname:"FoldingText", icon:"App.png", reminderText:'Application("FoldingText").documents[0].name()', reminderBody:'var p = Application("FoldingText").documents[0].path(); if(p) "file://" + escape(p)'},
        {appname:"Google Chrome", icon:"Chrome.png", reminderText:'Application("Google Chrome").windows[0].activeTab.title();', reminderBody:'Application("Google Chrome").windows[0].activeTab.url();'},
        {appname:"Google Chrome Canary", icon:"Chrome Canary.png",  reminderText:'Application("Google Chrome Canary").windows[0].activeTab.title();', reminderBody:'Application("Google Chrome Canary").windows[0].activeTab.url();'},
        {appname:"Mailplane 3", icon:"Mailplane 3.png", reminderText:'Application("Mailplane 3").currenttitle()', reminderBody:'Application("MailPlane 3").currentmessagetext()'},
        {appname:"Mail", icon:"Mail.png",  reminderText:'var m = Application("Mail").selection()[Application("Mail").selection().length-1]; m.subject() + " (From " + m.sender() + ")"', reminderBody:'var m = Application("Mail").selection()[Application("Mail").selection().length-1]; "message://<" + m.messageId() + ">"'},
    {appname:"Microsoft PowerPoint", icon:"Powerpoint.png", reminderText:'Application("Microsoft PowerPoint")', reminderBody:'var p = Application("Microsoft PowerPoint").activePresentation.fullName(); if(p) "file://" + escape(p)'},
        {appname:"Microsoft Word", icon:"MSWord.png", reminderText:'Application("Microsoft Word")', reminderBody:'var p = Application("Microsoft Word").activeDocument.posixFullName(); if(p) "file://" + escape(p)'},
    {appname:"Safari", icon:"Safari.png", reminderText:'Application("Safari").windows[0];', reminderBody:'Application("Safari").windows[0].currentTab.url();'},
        {appname:"TextEdit", icon:"TextEdit.png", reminderText:'Application("TextEdit").documents[0].name()', reminderBody:'var p = Application("TextEdit").documents[0].path(); if(p) "file://" + escape(p)'},
        {appname:"TextMate", icon:"TextMate.png", reminderText:'Application("TextMate").documents[0].name()', reminderBody:'var p = Application("TextMate").documents[0].path(); if(p) "file://" + escape(p)'},
        {appname:"Vienna", icon:"RSS.png", reminderText:'Application("Vienna").currentArticle().title()', reminderBody:'Application("Vienna").currentArticle().link()'},
    {appname:"WebKit", icon:"Safari.png", reminderText:'Application("WebKit").windows[0];', reminderBody:'Application("WebKit").windows[0].currentTab.url();'},
    //if(! window.chrono) { 

        //var chronoPath = $.getenv('alfred_preferences') + "/workflows/" + $.getenv('alfred_workflow_uid') + "/chrono.min.js"

        // uncomment for local testing in script editor
        //var path = app.pathTo(this);
        //var workflowFolder =  $.NSString.alloc.initWithUTF8String(path).stringByDeletingLastPathComponent.js + '/';
        //var chronoPath = workflowFolder + "chrono.min.js"


        //var fm = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager;
        //var contents = fm.contentsAtPath(chronoPath); // NSData
        //contents = $.NSString.alloc.initWithDataEncoding(contents, $.NSUTF8StringEncoding);


    // extract list
    var reminderList = "";
    var listRegex = /(.+) in (.+) list$/i
    var matches = listRegex.exec(query)
    if(matches && matches.length == 3) {
        reminderList = matches[2];
        query = matches[1];

    // extract priority
    var priority = "";
  // test for !, !!, !!! at beginning
  var priorityRegex = /^(!{1,3})\s(.+)/i
    var matches = priorityRegex.exec(query)
    if(matches && matches.length == 3) {
    priority = matches[1].length;
    query = matches[2];
  } else {
    // test for !, !!, !!! at end
    var priorityRegex = /\s(.+)\s(!{1,3})$/i
    var matches = priorityRegex.exec(query)
    if(matches && matches.length == 3) {
      priority = matches[2].length;
      query = matches[1];
    } else {
      // test for !3, p1, priority 1, etc
        var priorityRegex = /(.+)\s(priority|p|!)\s*([1-3])\s*$/i
        var matches = priorityRegex.exec(query)
        if(matches && matches.length == 4) {
            priority = matches[3];
            query = matches[1];
      } else {
        // test for !hi, p med, priority low, etc
        var priorityRegex = /(.+)\s(priority\s+|p\s*|!\s*)(l|lo|low|m|med|medium|h|hi|high)\s*$/i
        var matches = priorityRegex.exec(query)
        if(matches && matches.length == 4) {
            priorityText = matches[3];
          if(priorityText[0]=="l") priority = 1;
          else if(priorityText[0]=="m") priority = 2;
          else if(priorityText[0]=="h") priority = 3;
            query = matches[1];
        } else {
          // test for hi!, med p, low priority, etc
          var priorityRegex = /(.+)\s(l|lo|low|m|med|medium|h|hi|high)(\s+priority|\s*p|\s*!)\s*$/i
            var matches = priorityRegex.exec(query)
          if(matches && matches.length == 4) {
                priorityText = matches[2];
            if(priorityText[0]=="l") priority = 1;
            else if(priorityText[0]=="m") priority = 2;
            else if(priorityText[0]=="h") priority = 3;
                query = matches[1];

  // extract application
  var application = "",
    reminderBody = "";
  // test for "this" keyword
  var thisRegex = /^this$|^this\s(.*)/i
  var matches = thisRegex.exec(query)
  if(matches && matches.length == 2) {
    query = matches[1];
    var app = Application("System Events").applicationProcesses.where({
       frontmost: true
    var currentApplication =;
    application = supportedReminderApplications.find(function (a) {
        return a.appname == currentApplication;

    if(!application) {
      // terminate with an unactionable message that current application is not supported
      var item = {title:"Add Reminder", arg:-1, valid:false, subtitle:currentApplication + " is not supported by this workflow at this time", icon:{path:"Instruments.png"}};
      return {items:[item]};

    // get application-specific data
    application['text'] = eval(application['reminderText']);
    application['body'] = eval(application['reminderBody'])

    //results = window.chrono.parse(query);
    //var now = new Date();

    //for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
        //resultText = query.replace(results[i].text,'');
        //var d = results[i]; // Create a Date object
        // If date is in the past, assume intended date is tomorrow
        //if (d < now) {
            //d.setDate(now.getDate() + 1);
        //var reminderText = resultText.trim();
        //items.push(getAction({arg:i, valid:true, reminderText:reminderText, date:d, whenText:results[i].text, priority:priority, reminderList:reminderList}));
        //reminders.push(getReminderData({arg:i, reminderText:reminderText, reminderBody:reminderBody, date:d, list:"", priority:priority, application:application, reminderList:reminderList}));

    // always submit non-dated item
    items.push(getAction({arg:-1, valid:true, reminderText:query, priority:priority, application:application, reminderList:reminderList}));
    reminders.push(getReminderData({arg:-1, reminderText:query, reminderBody:"", date:"", list:"", priority:priority, application:application, reminderList:reminderList}));

    parsedReminder['items'] = items;
    parsedReminder['reminders'] = reminders;

    return parsedReminder;

function showHelpItems() {
  var helpItems = [
    "do something crazy",
    "today release the hamsters into the wild",
    "tomorrow bring about financial ruin upon my enemies",
    "in 5 minutes drop everything",
    "in 2 hours laugh out loud in Reminders list",
    "in 3 days 1 hour pick stuff up off the floor",
    "24/12/13 to forget everything I know about things in movies",
    "12 June 15 to come up with some interesting ideas",
    "31-12-99 23:22 panic about the millennium bug",
    "at 2pm wait for nothing in particular", 
    "next thursday at 15.30 ask some difficult questions",
    "!!! in 2 weeks an important meeting",
    "thursday have a banana medium priority",
    "decide what to have for lunch !lo",
    "make a turkey sandwich p3",
    parsedReminder = {},
    items = [],
    reminders = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < helpItems.length; i++) {
    var parsedReminder = parseReminderQuery(helpItems[i]);
    if(parsedReminder['items']) {
        item = parsedReminder['items'][0];
        item['title'] = "r " + helpItems[i];
        item['valid'] = false;
    if(parsedReminder['reminders']) {

  parsedReminder['items'] = items;
  parsedReminder['reminders'] = reminders;

  return parsedReminder;
stefanluptak commented 4 years ago

Evaluating $.NSFileManager returns undefined. I guess and hope it's just a temporary issue and will be fixed with the final version of macOS Big Sur. 🙏