* ℹ **INFO** From a total of 1 font files, 0 of them (0.00%) lack a STAT table.
And these are the most common STAT axis orderings:
('MONO-wght', 1) [code: summary]
* 🔥 **FAIL** On monospaced fonts, the value of post.isFixedPitch must be set to a non-zero value (meaning 'fixed width monospaced'), but got 0 instead. [code: mono-bad-post-isFixedPitch]
* 🔥 **FAIL** The PANOSE numbers are incorrect for a monospaced font. Note: Family Type is set to 0, which does not seem right. [code: mono-bad-panose]
🔥 FAIL: Validates that when an instance record is included for the default instance, its subfamilyNameID value is set to either 2 or 17 (or something with the same value as 2), and its postScriptNameID value is set to 6 (or something with the same value as 6). (com.adobe.fonts/check/varfont/valid_default_instance_nameids)
* 🔥 **FAIL** 'ExtraLight' instance has the same coordinates as the default instance; its subfamily name should be 'Regular' [code: invalid-default-instance-subfamily-nameid:263]
* ℹ **INFO** Could not detect which version of ttfautohint was used in this font. It is typically specified as a comment in the font version entries of the 'name' table. Such font version strings are currently: ['Version 2.112'] [code: version-not-detected]
* ℹ **INFO** EPAR table not present in font. To learn more see https://github.com/googlefonts/fontbakery/issues/818 [code: lacks-EPAR]
ℹ INFO: Is the Grid-fitting and Scan-conversion Procedure ('gasp') table set to optimize rendering? (com.google.fonts/check/gasp)
* ℹ **INFO** These are the ppm ranges declared on the gasp table:
PPM <= 65535:
flag = 0x0F
- Use grid-fitting
- Use grayscale rendering
- Use gridfitting with ClearType symmetric smoothing
- Use smoothing along multiple axes with ClearType®
[code: ranges]
* ℹ **INFO** Version string is: "Version 2.112"
The version string must ideally include a git commit hash and either a "dev" or a "release" suffix such as in the example below:
"Version 1.3; git-0d08353-release" [code: bad-format]
Hi @sursly!
Here you can find the changes for the font onboarding. I had to change the v-metrics to match our GF specs. Cheers!
Fontbakery report
Fontbakery version: 0.8.10.dev14+g4fc44c54
[1] Family checks
ℹ INFO: Check axis ordering on the STAT table. (com.google.fonts/check/STAT/axis_order)
[14] Sono[MONO,wght].ttf
🔥 FAIL: Check Google Fonts glyph coverage. (com.google.fonts/check/glyph_coverage)
🔥 FAIL: Ensure variable fonts include an avar table. (com.google.fonts/check/mandatory_avar_table)
🔥 FAIL: Checking correctness of monospaced metadata. (com.google.fonts/check/monospace)
🔥 FAIL: Validates that when an instance record is included for the default instance, its subfamilyNameID value is set to either 2 or 17 (or something with the same value as 2), and its postScriptNameID value is set to 6 (or something with the same value as 6). (com.adobe.fonts/check/varfont/valid_default_instance_nameids)
⚠ WARN: Ensure fonts have ScriptLangTags declared on the 'meta' table. (com.google.fonts/check/meta/script_lang_tags)
⚠ WARN: Check font contains no unreachable glyphs (com.google.fonts/check/unreachable_glyphs)
⚠ WARN: Ensure dotted circle glyph is present and can attach marks. (com.google.fonts/check/dotted_circle)
ℹ INFO: Show hinting filesize impact. (com.google.fonts/check/hinting_impact)
ℹ INFO: Font has old ttfautohint applied? (com.google.fonts/check/old_ttfautohint)
ℹ INFO: EPAR table present in font? (com.google.fonts/check/epar)
ℹ INFO: Is the Grid-fitting and Scan-conversion Procedure ('gasp') table set to optimize rendering? (com.google.fonts/check/gasp)
ℹ INFO: Check for font-v versioning. (com.google.fonts/check/fontv)
ℹ INFO: Font contains all required tables? (com.google.fonts/check/required_tables)
ℹ INFO: List all superfamily filepaths (com.google.fonts/check/superfamily/list)
Note: The following loglevels were omitted in this report: