surveyjs / survey-creator

Scalable open-source survey software to generate dynamic JSON-driven forms within your JavaScript application. The form builder features a drag-and-drop UI, CSS Theme Editor, and GUI for conditional logic and form branching.
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Unable to preload an existing survey #1151

Open ontanj opened 3 years ago

ontanj commented 3 years ago

Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or ask a question?

To me it looks like a bug, but it might be insufficient documentation or me missing something. I've followed the guide at as well as I can.

What is the current behavior?

Even if I set .text or .JSON, the creator always shows an empty survey.

What is the expected behavior?

I expect the creator tool to be loaded with whatever I save to .text or .json.

How would you reproduce the current behavior (if this is a bug)?

I created a fresh React application

$ npx create-react-app survey --template typescript
$ yarn add survey-creator

and changed App.tsx

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import * as SurveyJSCreator from "survey-creator";
import "survey-creator/survey-creator.css";

function App() {
  useEffect(() => {
    var options = {}; //Use default options
    var surveyCreator = new SurveyJSCreator.SurveyCreator(null, options);
    var loadedSurvey = window.localStorage.getItem("survey-storage") || "";
    // var loadedSurvey =
    //   '{"pages": [{"name": "page1s","title": "simple survey"}]}';
    // var loadedSurvey = {
    //   pages: [
    //     {
    //       name: "pageA",
    //       title: "simple survey",
    //     },
    //   ],
    // };
    surveyCreator.text = loadedSurvey;
    // surveyCreator.JSON = loadedSurvey;
    surveyCreator.saveSurveyFunc = () => {
      window.localStorage.setItem("survey-storage", surveyCreator.text);
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <div id="surveyCreatorDivElementID" />

export default App;

Specify your

tsv2013 commented 3 years ago

creator.text assignment works ok for me, here is the working sample - Probably issue is with your storage

ontanj commented 3 years ago

I tried without a storage as well, as seen on the commented lines. Also as seen in the code I print what I read from the storage, so that's not the problem.

However now I tried rendering by changing var surveyCreator = new SurveyJSCreator.SurveyCreator(null, options); -> var surveyCreator = new SurveyJSCreator.SurveyCreator("surveyCreatorDivElementID", options); and removing surveyCreator.render("surveyCreatorDivElementID"); and the problem was solved.

surveyCreator.render is the call creating this issue. However according to that is the recommended way to render if we are to set callbacks. Surely that must be a bug?

lcfd commented 3 years ago

Hi @ontanj 👋🏼

Even if I set .text or .JSON, the creator always shows an empty survey.

I've had a similar problem and found a solution that's actually working for me. Apparently, order matters, try to render before using the .text property.

surveyCreator.text = JSON.stringify({...});
andrewtelnov commented 3 years ago

@lcfd Indeed, render() for some reason clears designer survey. I will take a look.

Thank you, Andrew

andrewtelnov commented 3 years ago

I have fixed it in v1.8.56. Here is the related issue.

Thank you, Andrew