surveyjs / survey-creator

Scalable open-source survey software to generate dynamic JSON-driven forms within your JavaScript application. The form builder features a drag-and-drop UI, CSS Theme Editor, and GUI for conditional logic and form branching.
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Preview Tab | Page Navigator: A page remains inactive/grayed out even though it is made visible #4536

Closed JaneSjs closed 1 year ago

JaneSjs commented 1 year ago

User issue: T14350 - Html content is showing in bottom table of contents

To reproduce the issue, run this demo and enter 'YES' to the first question. Page 2 is visible now, and it is available within TOC. However, the page remains unactive within the bottom page navigator:


JaneSjs commented 1 year ago

@andrewtelnov, I'm reactivating this issue. I discussed it with @tsv2013. The creator's Preview tab allows survey editors to validate the survey. Therefore, this page navigator should not prevent survey editors from accessing survey pages. The page selector should not act like a survey table of contents or a navigation element. This page selector should allow a survey editor to navigate to any survey page regardless of page visibility or conditional logic/branching configured for a survey.

Therefore, even though a page is invisible, a page selector should display this page within a list and a survey creator should be able to navigate to it.

To validate survey logic, it is necessary to use a navigation element specifically designed to that purpose: a table of content of buttons progress bar.

andrewtelnov commented 1 year ago

@JaneSjs @tsv2013 I have added TestSurveyTabViewModel.enableInvisiblePages = true; static boolean property for now. If somebody needs to revert the behavior then it should be set as: TestSurveyTabViewModel.enableInvisiblePages = false;.

Thank you, Andrew