I am using the survey JS library for creating the question. I know this is not free. I purchase 4 license and interested to use it over a long period of time.
I am trying to set dynamic matrix row values to multi-matrix columns and simple multi-select dropdowns.
here is my example.
const survey = new Model(surveyJson);
survey.onValueChanged.add((sender: any, options: any) => {
if (options.name == 'question1') { //Question Name
//Column 1 is the Column name
const myDynamicValue = options.value.map((obj: any) => obj['Column 1']).filter((value: any) => value !== undefined && value !== '');
//here below question is multi matrix inside column 1 multi select drop down
if (survey.getQuestionByName('question2')) { // Ensure question2 exists
const question2 = survey.getQuestionByName('question2');
console.log("question2 : ", question2);
//how can i set myDynamicValue to particular column
//here below question is simple multi select drop down
if (survey.getQuestionByName('question3')) {
const question2 = survey.getQuestionByName('question3');
console.log("question3 : ", question2);
////how can i set myDynamic Value to multi-select-dropdown
this.surveyModel = survey;
I have tried many ways but have not found any proper way to do this.
Can anyone suggest the best way to do this?
this field is works for the set value. But, I need to know field for set options.
survey.setValue('question3', myDynamicValue); // this field is work for set value
Hello @chaklasiyanikunj,
In SurveyJS Form Library, you populate a multi-select matrix with a Dynamic Matrix column values using the following settings:
I am using the survey JS library for creating the question. I know this is not free. I purchase 4 license and interested to use it over a long period of time.
I am trying to set dynamic matrix row values to multi-matrix columns and simple multi-select dropdowns. here is my example.
I have tried many ways but have not found any proper way to do this. Can anyone suggest the best way to do this?
Edited: this field is works for the set value. But, I need to know field for set options.