susanBuck / e28-fall20

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Project 2 Peer Review thread #52

Closed susanBuck closed 3 years ago

susanBuck commented 3 years ago

In this week's videos (Week 12, Tue Nov 17), I'll cover the instructions for completing a peer review of Project 2. You will share your completed review in a reply to this thread.

Ashley877 commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

I could not get the site to produce any errors.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

In my code I had trouble splitting the directions and ingredients on a different line and after looking at adejeffchen’s code I am realizing I was trying to over complicate it. I like how organized the code is with the comments I think I might take this into my next project and try to organize it better in my own projects I am still new to the coding world so this was cool to see how I could make my code better since we chose the same recipe project.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

The comments added made it almost impossible to find something I don’t understand

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

I couldn’t find a single thing! Everything is nicely spaced out and commented out in an organized clear way.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

Nope! Everything is commented

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

I could not find any!

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

I know design isn't graded but I love the look and feel of this website! The clickable logo to take you back home was a very nice touch and very intuitive as well as when you try to submit a review without filling out the details you get an error in red telling you to fill it out and green text when you do it correctly.

adejeffchen commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing? 

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

updateNote: Vue.util.extend({}, this.note)  (EditNote.vue line 28) 

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

All looks good.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

Overall, more comments can be helpful. It just takes longer for me to piece things together. 

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

try not to have inline css (NewSubjectPage.vue line 5, 6, 9, 17) 

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

The site's title is currently 'p2'. You might want to change it to something more meaningful. Well done overall. 

gabrielajohnson commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? 

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

ccianelli22 commented 3 years ago
pllealfunes commented 3 years ago

Project Reviewed

DO: Github:


I like the National Park concept of your app and that you used another api in your project, however there are a couple of errors that prevent the app from fully working.


The code was mostly understandable but I do think more comments would have been helpful. For example on the MasterParkList page cleanData(park) and on the ParkPage the cleanComment needed some commenting as I'm not sure what they are used for and why cleanData outputs undefined in the console. I am also unsure of what parkComments2 in the computed section is supposed to do in the ParkPage. There were still console.log statements in the code that should've been removed or at least commented out. Also, adding more comments would've been helpful to better separate your e28-api code from the National Park code.

I saw that you have ViewRouter in your main.js but I don't see any <router-link> tags anywhere in your pages. The NavBar page only contains <a> tags to navigate from page to page. The title of the app, NPIA - National Park Information App Park List, shows that it is clickable but doesn't take me back to the homepage. It only adds #1 at the end of the url.

A .env file was not added and I think we were supposed to add one since the notes state that the app needs to communicate with a production version of the e28-api or else it will fail. That could be the answer to the errors above so I suggest adding it and then see what errors continue to occur or if there are new errors. I also don't see a dist folder, I'm not sure if you did an npm run build before getting the app on DO.

I do like the concept of the app but I believe that there are areas that still need to be addressed. Good luck and I'm sure it will turn out great :)

gboie commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?\

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Tested every page and action without any functional errors.

Are there any errors or warnings in the console? No JavaScript warnings or errors in the browser’s console.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? Very well separated functionality in multiple SFCs, very clean code, easy to understand, it makes me wanna go rewrite everything I ever wrote in this course.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? No, see above.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? In my humble opinion, no. I think the code structure follows really closely our lectures.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? I guess you can never have enough comments. There are comments, but I believe that for consistency purposes they could have been more provided for each section of the code. However, because the code is so well organized, I never felt like I am not able to follow the logic.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? I do not think so, the code follows closely all the algorithms exposed in our lectures, and makes use of every aspect of Vue that we covered so far. Also, I believe that every single possible requirement, including the optional ones was met in this assignment.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? I love the look and feel, very simple but powerful, easy to follow, very user friendly. Great work!

ARuzek commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? Yes, when I reload a page, such as an individual recipe, the page is not found. I remember this type of error being covered in the lecture, but I couldn't find the part where Susan corrected it. In fact, I believe my own project has the same error. I'd forgotten about it because I never tested reloading the page.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? Not particularly. It's very similar to the class example, but again my own project was as well. I found it hard to think of some sort of feature that would differentiate. I suppose in the future, maybe if you add a feature where recipes may be rated? or where ingredients within the recipe may be added to a grocery?

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? It all made sense to me.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? Maybe if you had written comments within the code? See below.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? In general, I think it's absolutely self-evident, but as a beginner with Vue, personally I get confused with events and props. Maybe this is overkill, but I think it might be nice to label examples of where everything kind of connects back to. I should do that as well I think with my own code until I feel more comfortable with Vue. For example within the ShowRecipe component:

//These props will be defined by attributes on the show-recipe custom element. 
//For example, the RecipePage component uses the show-recipe custom element 
//with attributes for recipe and showDetails which are assigned values from within the RecipePage data. 
props: ["recipe", "showDetails"],

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? Making sure the user understands which form values are required and providing styled feedback.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? My own code actually had all of the same issues, so I'm glad for this exercise. Careful review and feedback means a better project 3 for the both of us. :)

estanton900 commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

michaelkchen13 commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing? 

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? 

No errors or unexpected results. Everything works as listed in the readme.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

Definitely some parts in the code that I thought were interesting/taught me something new.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

I somewhat grasp the concepts of Promise.all and $api now but still don't fully understand without looking more into them. Everything else makes sense to me.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

Everything seemed to be written well and efficiently.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

Overall I was able to figure everything out but a few more comments would be helpful for new people reading the code.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

No I didn't see any. Everything looked good to me.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

The project looks very cool, I like the icons and colors. I haven't watched the Great British Bake-off but these recipe's definitely make me want to check it out! :D

andymbryant commented 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed using the application and reading about your work.

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

No, I didn't see any errors or warnings in the console. Nor did I encounter any unexpected behavior.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

I've never used the Highcharts API or read the docs. Thanks for the introduction!

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

I didn't I understand why the MapsInfo component was mapped to the homepage-callout component in HomePage.vue. I'd like to learn more about the motivation there.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

There's a lot happening with the Highcharts API under the hood. Of course, this is by design, but you might consider making that process a little more explicit in your code. This might be achieved with comments in the code that give a structured over of the code execution or through a description in the readme. This API is a big part of the app, so I know I'd benefit from having a more explicit overview of that relationship somewhere.

You also might consider pulling some of the chart initialization into another file. There's a lot of code in App.vue that isn't computed or informed by anything else in the component. As such, you could make a new module for it and import it, cutting down on the overall length of App.vue. This could be static code or you might even make a chart 'factory' that is called by the renderMap function.

Also in App.vue, the paths and links are stored in disparate arrays and then mapped. You might consider storing them all in a list of objects, so their relationship is immediately clear. For example,

navItems: [
     path: '/',
     link: 'home',
     component: 'Home'

Some of the ID names were hard to read, like "containerContainerContainer" in NeutralizingPage.vue. And this ID is duplicated in another component. You might avoid this with class names for styling and unique IDs for selecting.

I was a little thrown off by the 'usAllAll' variable, too.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

I found it difficult to follow the control flow in the application, especially in App.vue (as I mentioned above). In addition to comments/description of code execution, you might consider ordered async methods in the mounted() method that call each part (e.g. data load, map render, etc.) sequentially. You could do this in MuddyPage.vue, too.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

In App.vue, an html selector is used. I'll suggest that you use Vue template syntax here or take some other approach that is more specific to the Vue API.

You might consider using es6 module import syntax, rather than require. But you may have found that the Highcharts API preferred the latter ('require' syntax appears first in the Highcharts API docs on NPM, so you might have been following their best practices).

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

It looks like there is a good amount of unused code. You might consider getting rid of these items:

Also, I advise against adding event handlers to the entire router-view (in App.vue). While it serves its purpose here, it would also pollute any future components/views rendered here with a 'render-map' event, which might have unintended consequences.

I'll make the same suggestion for setTimeout calls. They work most of the time, but can have unexpected consequences on some browsers and in my experience can make the code harder to follow.

Thanks again! I'm gonna share this map with friends and family. Cheers.

kalbfled commented 3 years ago

I'm reviewing

Visiting /post/<non-existent-id> yields errors in the console.  It doesn't look wrong because nothing on the page appears broken, but it fails ungracefully behind the scene with " is undefined."

The code reinforced the correct answer to a question I missed during a past assignment--I do not need to declare URL properties in "props" in a SFC.  i.e. /post/:id <-->

I think I understand all of the code.

I do not have any critique concerning the efficiency, clarity, or commenting of the code.

Other than the comment above about ungraceful failure, I think the code follows best practices as described in class.

The code has some unused scaffolding and commented-out lines that could/should be deleted.  For example, HomePage.vue contains "components" and "data," but neither is used.  PostsPage.vue has a commented-out import.

PostPage.vue passes extraInfo=true to the ShowPost component, but PostsPage.vue does not set extraInfo, which results in ShowPost branching on the false boolean value of null.  This works as intended, but I consider it a code smell.  Using a dynamically typed language should not be a green light to be loose with type.

Using an alert box to inform the user of the outcome of trying to create a new post is obtrusive.  I implemented a similar feature, and I just displayed a color coded paragraph.

csloan29 commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? Yeah, there were two errors shown when the app initially loads:

The first is just an issue loading a particular font. The second seems like the app is trying to access data before it's available, maybe from the server?

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? Yes, definitely. I really liked their use of Bootstrap-Vue, which I did not know existed. The provided components seemed easy to implement and made the code look really clean.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? Nope, not really. As was stated above, the code was simple and easy to understand. It was divided into components well, and, where necessary, documented well with comments.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? No, it was well written and to the point.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? No. The nice thing about using bootstrap-vue is that all your components are already documented!

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? You could probably remove most instances of the comment documenting the use of the 'scoped' CSS attribute, Although I can also see that being a good reminder everywhere to avoid headaches trying to figure out why the CSS isn't, in fact, cascading, haha.

Also, I noticed in the home component that there were several methods that were commented out. I guess if you don't need them then get rid of them, but I can also see you wanting to use them later and just not needing them now, since p2 was just our MVP.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? This is picky and not directly related to the code, but whenever the page reloads or you navigate to a different page, the main navbar can sometimes move away from the user's mouse, like when they have scrolled down on the page. This is more of a UX thing, though, than a code thing. Their code was all done really well.

Other than that this was a great project! looks great, too.

krishb09 commented 3 years ago

**What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? No- I do not see any errors or odd results while running the app!

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? One part I thought that was interesting was that they used 'fetch' instead of axios. It's good to see somewhat different technologies being used beyond what is demonstrated in class.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? No- the code was all laid out in a concise and clear way.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? There were some extraneous commented out links in the submit_report() that probably could have been moved to the file.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? No- the code is easily readable and didn't need further comments.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? I would just move the commented out links to the resources section in the readme and not leave it in the code itself.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?** Nope! The project seems to meet all the requirements and was executed well.

LDubya commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?  No errors that I could produce via clicking around. Very nice UI. Nothing unexpected. Very clean interface. Enjoyable, mobile-friendly blog with live search. Doesn’t hurt that I play guitar and can relate to the topic =)

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? Having implemented my own live searches in the past, I know it can be tricky to accomplish. I was interested in seeing how you executed your live-search. I think it’s masterful how you used v-model and a filter to execute a search with very little code. (/BlogsPage.vue line 1-11)

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? Not particularly — this code is very clean and easy to read.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? For a new blog, I’m wondering why you pre-populated the URL field with a sample url instead of using a placeholder attribute that goes away once you start typing. There’s probably no “wrong” way to do this, but would like to know more of the rationale. (/BlogCreatePage.vue line 22)

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? For me, I think my previous question would probably benefit from a comment. The code itself makes sense and is understood, but just the rationale of sample content over placeholder.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? A “not found” page would have been nice. But then again, I forgot to include one in my own project.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? Nice to meet another person who likes guitar =) I play electric. Used to play a lot more but am now picking it back up. I’m actually doing something similar to what you’re doing (for guitar solos) but in a roundabout way — I currently have a “guitar solos” playlist on my music app. If I run into a song that has a guitar solo I’d like to learn, I add it to that playlist. Apple Music has some APIs that can be hooked into, and I think Spotify and other apps have similar integrations. I wonder If any of those would be useful for future features?

AdamNgu commented 3 years ago
christian-hilton commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? 

No, I don't get any unexpected console errors.  Though I tried adding several holidays, which did not appear on the Holidays page. 

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

No, the structure is familiar from the Zipfoods example is lecture. 

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

No, the code is understandable. 

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

No, the code seems efficient. 

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

No, the code was clear. 

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

"Add Holiday" feature is not yet implemented, so Holidays added there don't appear in the SPA after submission.  This feature could include user feedback indicating success or errors or the submission.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

Looking forward to seeing how you expand on this version!

pllealfunes commented 3 years ago


Project: Github:

Overall, the project was well done and I found it interesting that you used another API. I think it's great that it's a passion project for you and that it could turn out be something really great. Good luck! :)


sg7788 commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?  I received a 404 error when I refreshed the "Restaurants", "Destinations", and "Add Restaurant" pages. But this error was also pointed out to me for my own project - I actually didn’t think to check for this.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? I like how Christian retrieved the images from links in his seed file.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? No, I appreciated the clarity of his code.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? I think it was straightforward. In terms of efficiency, the id could have been removed from the place.json file, and since validation was not required for the fields, the {{ errors }} output may not be necessary in the NewRestaurant.vue file.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? No, it seemed pretty clear. I was just a little confused about the organization of the site, because I think it is a travel site/blog where the site owner posts reviews of locations and restaurants within those locations, but the "events" wording on the homepage confused me a little bit. This has nothing to do with the code, though, and I know it is not the final product.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? There was some commented out code in the ShowUpcoming.vue file that could have been removed as well as some console.log() functions in App.vue and NewRestaurant.vue. I’m not sure if we needed to include files like restaurantdata.js and tripdata.js on production (for purposes of grading this assignment) since we’re using the server API on production.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? I think Christian did a good job and I enjoyed viewing the information about those restaurants in San Francisco - it would be nice to see the rest of the app built out in the future. :)

iamakimmer commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? 

No errors or warnings in console

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

I was curious to see how the number of stars was generated and the methodology was clear

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

Everything was really well commented. 

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

I think it would be great to make the ratings it's own components, like  a <review-rating>. Then you could reuse it to all the other parts of the site. Maybe it will come in handy when we get to part 3 and you could have a "User's ratings" section

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

No, everything was clear

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?


Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

It's a very clean site! Excited to see the authentication piece for part 3

Boubisto commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? Nope everything is working fine

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? Adding a favorite recipe using a boolean checkbox

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? Everything is clear

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? Maybe adding some comments

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? Since we covered almost everything not really

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? Proofreading the code before submitting. In ShowFavorites.vue, methods was not spelled correctly

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

Being able to remove a recipe from the favorite page Resetting the form after adding a new recipe

sally0726 commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

There are no obvious errors or bugs when using the website. Console shows a few warning but I guess those are mostly caused by Vue packages.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

The way new comments are added makes a lot of sense (CommentsDisplay.vue:40). After a new comment is submitted, the app first sends a post request to the backend server to update the comments and only if the update is successful, will the local data be updated. This way, the data consistency is ensured.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?


Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

I think small SPCs like BlogPreview.vue can be inlined to reduce the number of files. But it's just a personal preference.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

The code is overall not complicated and the names of the functions and variables mostly illustrate the intentions pretty well.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?


Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?


vcavallo commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

No warnings or errors in the console and no overt bugs, necessarily, but the search feature is a bit counter-intuitive in a way that makes it feel like a bug (see comments at bottom)

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

Yes, I haven't used createApp nor createWebHistory before.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

Nope, it's all quite clear. I appreciate the comments that point out where improvements are planned.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

See below re: axios/fetch inconsistency.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

No. The components are straightforward and named in a manner that makes the implementation clear.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

I feel that the author may want to re-think mounted vs created as well as potentially convert some components to lean on watch or computed properties (especially as it relates to the search page)

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

See below:

EricJZell commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? 

After my first attempt to create a new recipe, I was shown a message saying "The sku may only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores." This was a helpful message. However, after correcting the SKU field and hitting submit, I was still shown the same error. So I updated the SKU again and hit submit again, but the error message remained. By looking at the recipes page, I saw that submitting the recipe was indeed successful, it was just the error message was never cleared. This resulted in me creating duplicate recipes. There are no warning or errors in the console.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

I was wondering how the form reset functionality was implemented. I found it was implemented with: <input type="reset">
This is a simple and elegant solution that I did not know existed.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?


Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

No, the code is quite clear. There are a couple of lines that are not so clear, but they are accompanied by a helpful comment (In AlergensPage.vue, in the allergens() computed property, explaining the goal of a unique sorted list)

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?


Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

In app.js, it appears that axios is configured to hit the production API even from non-production environments.  This could lead to unexpected data-changes on production when working locally.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

Good recipes!

R-Elijah commented 3 years ago
sneadthaman commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

tostaylo commented 3 years ago

- What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

- Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? In Chrome, on page load, I receive repeated warnings of the following:

The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page.

- Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? The VueRecord component

- Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? No

- Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? Coming from React I recommend not updating component state on every keypress inside a text input. Vue does handle state updates differently than React so it may not be as much of a concern. However, I would still think it has the potential to degrade performance as your app gets larger and many components are connected to the state being updated rapidly.  Instead, emitting an event on blur of the input field or when the user presses an input value "submit" button would be more performant.  In the case of the “Edit Line” functionality,  updating the parent component’s state as a user types before the “Update” button is pressed results in the "line" being updated in the parent even though the "line" is not updated in the database.  Other than the above I mostly had nitpicks involving empty code blocks, console.logs left in production code, and minor duplication of code.

- Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? No

- Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? The EditLine modal component mutates properties on the object line being passed down as a prop. I believe this technique goes against best practice as you generally should not mutate props. If the mutated prop were a string Vue would have given a warning I think.  Passing props down to children and emitting events up to the parent seems to be best practice from what I have read. 

- Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? Really cool idea for a site! I can see how it would be useful.

aeg224 commented 3 years ago

GitHub URL:

App URL:

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

While there are no visible errors, the individual pack pages throw a console error (cannot read property 'image' of null). Also, the cart is pre-populated and does not allow me remove items.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

The code does a great job of splitting everything into small easy to understand components. Also, the API calls are done in App.vue which makes it efficient and easy to understand. 

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

The code clearly written. After a relatively short amount of time, I feel I have a pretty good understanding of the application. The only thing I did not recognize was a module on the Product Page (vue-rate-it). However, It seems straightforward (allows users to display rating stars for each product).

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

In its current iteration, it almost seems that there are too many components. However, as the app grows, I'm sure they will get larger. Overall, the app seems efficient and clearly written.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

While there is a good README, more code comments would be beneficial.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

It looks like all best practices detailed in class were followed.

_Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?__

The application layout and design look great!

Vikariusu commented 3 years ago

Clean and well-written. Now I want shepherd's pie..

AntonieKowal commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? The only problem I could find was that refreshing the page while viewing any route other than '/' would result in a 'page not found' error, I had the same problem before realizing I skipped setting up the .htaccess file while deploying to production.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? Christian's code was pretty similar to mine, we seemingly didn't stray too far from ZipFoods.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? No

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? I don't think so, everything is named very well. The only thing I would consider changing is emptying the values in the restaurant object in NewRestaurant.Vue as to not have the form pre-filled, but that may just come down to a difference in preference.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? Comments never hurt, but as a result of everything having very explicit names I didn't find anywhere where I would have wanted/needed a comment to better understand the code.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? No, everything looks great!

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? The only suggestion I can think of is to remove your log statements once you're pushing to production. Awesome job!

sciencezombie commented 3 years ago

Questions What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? Fortunately, I wasn't able to find the unexpected results and in the console there are no errors, no warnings

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? component based architecture

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? It made me re-think my application in terms of components

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? I would appreciate the comments

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? data-driven approach

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? The Complexity

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? It's pretty efficient

susanBuck commented 3 years ago

(I'm posting this review on behalf of @yoh514 who submitted the review in their assignment, but forgot to post it here)

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing? -->

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? --> No errors or warnings show in the console and all the links and buttons presented on the website were clickable and delivered expected results.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? --> When working on my project, I wanted to mark the publication/posting date of the users when they add new recipes to the site, I failed to do it. However, this site shows the posting date and time very accurately and neatly. I was impressed.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? à No.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? --> I believe this website meets all the requirements for this project (P2) as a blog but I wonder if a little bit more of a design or illustration to show the purpose or the theme of the site would have been even better.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? àI am assuming the developer of this website is skillful enough to include more design (e.g. animated CSS) to the site. (But it is a personal and artistic choice of individual so there is no right and wrong.)


Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? -->By providing us with the full demonstration of building ZipFoods, we were shown how to bring in detailed information/items to our sites and make them presentable and responsive. But I think this site is lacking that purpose and detail or the personal touch of the developer.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? --> I think this website is functioning exactly how the developer wanted it to which is great. The simple design and layout make it very easy for users to learn how to use the site. Again, providing the time and date of the posting was a nice touch. I wonder what this developer can do when she expresses her artistic taste to this site.

gabrielajohnson commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Everything worked perfectly for me when I added the recipe to the site, ingredients to an existing recipe, or when I was checking off items on the list. Only thing was that I wish there was a popup box that told me I had to add quantity and measurements to an ingredient. Instead it was just never added but didn’t explain why.

Are there any errors or warnings in the console? There are no errors or warnings in the console

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? I like how all the components and their functionality was separated into different files. For example how RecipeIndex.vue, RecipeNew.vue and RecipeShow.vue all were separated instead of having their functionality melded together in one file, which is what I would have done.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

At first glance I was confused by the variables in the AddToListWidget component. I initially thought gettingLists, gotLists, unusedLists were 3 different list types. Component:

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

Besides the file that I mentioned above and below, no. I also don’t believe it needs to be rewritten, I think more comments would be helpful.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

I think the code could have benefited from more comments. It was relatively straightforward but some of the code, in this file for example, could have benefited from more obvious comments like, “This type of list shows…”. Comments like that would just improve readability and make it easier to understand everything quickly.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

The code and files seemed to have been properly formatted and structured the way we were taught to do so in class.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

I like that the ingredients form is separated by quantity, measurement and name. I also like the format of the checkboxes.

sneadthaman commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

I am able to produce an error when attempting to add a new recipe if I leave the fields blank. I am assuming that these fields are required and the absence of both a name and instructions triggers the error.

There is also a warning in the console pertaining to his use of FontAwesome icons. Perhaps there are declarations in his CSS that are unused.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

I found his use of components to be extensive. When I first viewed the site I thought there were maybe 3 or 4 components but when I viewed the code I could see he used 9 components. I would echo Gabby's remarks - I would have lumped them all into a single component/page.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

No, for the most part all of the code used was covered in lecture or in subsequent JS courses.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

The fact that he used so many components actually makes this code very clear to read. From an efficiency standpoint, Vinney actually addresses this in his regarding the "Add to shopping list" feature, which would benefit from using a data store rather than making an API call each time.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?


Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

No, I believe Vinney went above and beyond the code examples in lecture.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

No - This was a very interesting project to read, great work!

balkasem commented 3 years ago

1-  What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing? 

2- Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? there's one error on run time on the HomePage:"TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined"

3- Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? Maybe on the main.js file, the lazy loading code on line 18.

4- Are there parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer way? not really, it was clear to me.

5- Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? maybe on the ShowFeed.vue, more comments on the computed "followingTicks" to explain how It's being populated would make the code more readable.

6- Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? code seems clear and easy to read and follow with the practices from the class material and with proper commenting.

7- Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? the project and code is very clean and good, it seems to have taken a lot of time, efforts and focus to make it happen.

balkasem commented 3 years ago

1-  What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

2- Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? I couldn't produce any errors/exceptions on any of the pages.

3- Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? the codebase of the project is straightforward and i was able to understand everything with ease.

4- Are there parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer way? I believe the code is good in terms of readability and clarity, maybe adding the Show Favorites enhancement would make it even better.

5- Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? code seems clear and easy to read and follow with the practices from the class material and with proper commenting.

6- Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? The code is following the material very well, i couldn't find any issues.

7- Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? Not really, i like the simplicity of the design, and recipe's pictures seem very nice.

christian-hilton commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

No, I don't have any errors or experienced issues 👍

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

The Font/Styling was more custom / in depth than other Vue/JS pages I've worked on, the reference links for that were helpful.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

No, the code was clear and self-evident.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

No, the code was very clear.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

Minor, but naming of "editTF" was not self-evident, maybe a more obvious name could have benefited here.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

No, seems that this project followed best practices. I like how it displayed validation errors where relevant when adding a new Note (a best practice I didn't get a chance to add in my own project).

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

I can tell time was spend on the unique styling! Thorough Readme doc as well. Intuitive, functional SPA, looking forward to see it develop further!

AdamNgu commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing? Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? Placeholder text should be in placeholder field and not fill actual content. Otherwise no problems. Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? Code is clear, I noticed a use of $emit which I am less familiar with/ need more practice on. Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? No, code is very very clean and easy to understand. Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? Maybe use some async await with the axios request to clean up but that’s about it. Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? Nope. Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? Didn’t see anything. Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? Super clean! I love it.

aeg224 commented 3 years ago

GitHub URL:

App URL:

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

I'm not able to produce any errors on the site or in the console. The only thing close is that the navbar icon in the upper left hand corner defaults to the math section of the app.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

The app imports three pieces of software reactive, ref, provide. I haven't seen these used before so it did teach me something new.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

Yes, there are some approaches that I haven't seen before. The use of inject in the below declaration (in the Modal.vue), as well as the use of provide and reactive in app.js.
const modalFunc = inject("modalFunc")

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

Considering the size and scope of the application, there are a lot of components. However, they are very straightforward and will be helpful if the app expands in size.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

Yes, I would have benefitted from comments in this code. Especially considering the use of approaches not covered in class.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

All best practices were used. The only thing that might fall into this category would be using an Mongo instead of the e28-api to store the flashcards.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

Great app!
Vikariusu commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? I couldn't find any errors, everything works as expected.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? Great that you used vue-moment for timestamps. I like how you can create notes within subjects, helps to keep things organized!

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? Everything is easy for me to understand.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? No, I really like how clear the spacing is.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? I don’t think so.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? Some inline styling (eg. In AddNote.vue)

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? Would be nice to be able to remove notes from favorites on favorites page. Overall, great app!

kalbfled commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console?

The index page, as implemented in MasterParkList.vue, logged "undefined" on the console upon the initial load, but this doesn't seem to be an error. I would change the log level to "debug." Ditto for "getting park data" in the same file. When everything is working as expected, I generally expect to see no output.

I encountered multiple console errors when I clicked on the detail page for the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park, although the page seems display properly.

Visiting a non-existent detail page yields a blank page body and a host of console errors.

I was not able to submit a comment via ContactPage.vue. Nothing happened when I clicked "submit," and I saw these console errors:

The production site seems to be using the local baseURL defined in app.js.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new?

I don't think so. It's pretty standard stuff.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand?

MasterParkList.vue and ParkPage.vue each contain a method isLoggedIn, but neither uses it. Ditto for signOut in MasterParkList.vue and the computed value parkComments2 in ParkPage.vue. Am I missing something?

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner?

MasterParkList.vue's template explicitly creates 10 button elements. I would have used a v-for directive for brevity. Something like this (I didn't test this code):

<button v-for="i in [1,2,...,10]" @click="changeResults(i)">{{ i }}</button>

This button creation occurs twice in the same SFC, which suggests to me that it might be worth creating a component for the buttons.

Also in MasterParkList.vue, a call to axios.get hard-codes URL and API key parameter values. Things like that are usually better as constants.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments?

Maybe comment on the unused methods if they are there for a reason.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code?

The production site seems to be using the local baseURL defined in app.js. The course material discusses having separate environment files for development and production.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions?

Now I know that the National Park Service has an API.

ColeDCrawford commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? Numerous mixed content errors (requesting HTTP API endpoint instead of HTTPS). This also causes an Uncaught (in promise) Error: Network Error. I'm not able to get the "Add a Trip" page to submit data because of this error, so it's fairly major. The root / is also displaying "No Trips Have Been Created;" this is because of the network error (Vue not getting the trips data), not because of there not being any trips in the database. I browsed to to verify that there was data in the database; I was redirected to the HTTPS version, so SSL is set up correctly, but the .env.production variable is set to HTTP. So it looks like a quick obvious fix. Tried going to an individual trip page (/trips/1 but got the same error). I unfortunately wasn't able to do much other testing because of this error. Kinda odd, as it looks like people were able to test this earlier.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? No, pretty standard code that mostly emulates the patterns outlined in the example projects.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? No, fairly straightforward.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? For the most part (one exception outlined below) the code was pretty clear, if basic.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? The currentTripListItems() function is a bit hard to read because some of the variables are generic (x, y).

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? The form to submit a new trip could have been better designed. For example, .number modifiers on the v-model directive for budget. Could have played around with making parts of the form required (on the one form I can see, it doesn't seem like anything is required).

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? Fix the API bug :)

gboie commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? I tested the functionality, there are no errors in the console. A slightly minor glitch is there is no redirect or message telling you that you added a new recipe successfully. Not sure if that was the intention, however it does add recipes so it does function properly.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? I like the nested components part, clean code all around, well defined components to match the architecture. Lots of attention to details and extensive use of custom CSS to create a visually appealing site.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? Nope, everything is clean and nicely organized.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? I do not think so, I think the project follows closely the lecture and examples provided during class.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? Well, I think we are all guilty of not commenting enough. While I think the code is very well structured and does not need any comments for us being in the same course, a few comments could have been probably useful for a wider audience.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? I do not think so, I think the author is making use of every trick in the Vue arsenal presented during lecture.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? Great work overall, I can see that a lot of time has been spent to style the application with custom CSS and it shows, the application is very visually appealing and at the same time easy to use. The code is beyond clean and well organized showing extensive attention to details.

tostaylo commented 3 years ago

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing?

Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? 0:1 GET 404 Page not found error for individual blog posts when trying to use the URL given or by refreshing the page on I didn't see a .htaccess file with rewrite rules in the public directory which may be the culprit.

Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? Would have liked access to the code for the Django API which would have been new for me. The tag="button" attribute for router-link was new to me.

Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? No, everything was clear.

Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? Nitpick. BaseURL in the Axios configuration points to a specific route rather than just the API base address. The error handling on the two API calls was not consistent.

Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? No.

Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? Everything looked to reflect what was taught in class.

Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? Simple and clean. Seems like it met the requirements for p2. Liked the website name!

susanBuck commented 3 years ago

FYI Added +5 points to your Week 9 assignment for completing this extra credit review.

Susan On Dec 11, 2020, 9:22 PM -0500, Torre Taylor, wrote:

What is the Github URL of the project you are reviewing? Are you able to produce any errors or unexpected results when using the site? Are there any errors or warnings in the console? 0:1 GET 404 Page not found error for individual blog posts when trying to use the URL given or by refreshing the page on I didn't see a .htaccess file with rewrite rules in the public directory which may be the culprit. Are there any parts of the code that you found interesting or taught you something new? Would have liked access to the code for the Django API which would have been new for me. The tag="button" attribute for router-link was new to me. Are there any parts of the code that you don't understand? No, everything was clear. Are there any parts of the code that you feel could be written in a more efficient or clearer manner? Nitpick. BaseURL in the Axios configuration points to a specific route rather than just the API base address. The error handling on the two API calls was not consistent. Are there aspects of the code that you feel were not self-evident and would benefit from comments? No. Are there any best practices discussed in course material that you feel were not addressed in the code? Everything looked to reflect what was taught in class. Do you have any additional comments not covered in the above questions? Simple and clean. Seems like it met the requirements for p2. Liked the website name! — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.