susannemoog / sauceExtension

Codeception Extension to support automated testing via sauce labs
MIT License
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Feature add composer and tweaks #2

Closed mhightower closed 10 years ago

mhightower commented 10 years ago

Hi, I created a composer package based on your work. I also made it backward compatible with php v5.3.*. When tested, it should install and function with no problems using:

   "require-dev": {
        "psychomieze/sauceextension": "dev-feature-add_composer_and_tweaks"
"repositories": [
      "url": "",
      "type": "git"

follow the updated for additional installation information. I hope it is ok to put your info in the composer.json information. This still needs to be added to the if you want to merge it.


susannemoog commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for your work. And: yay, composer ;) Merged it.