Open ghost opened 6 years ago
same problem
Seriously no one knows how to fix this?
you need to add this : "pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract'"
bot is working for me but every time I connect my phone when hq start my phone screen turns black anyone knows how to fix this issue ?
This happens every time i press the 's' key for screenshot, my sample questions work, but yet screenshotting doesn't. I added it to my path environment variable, which does not make any difference. and i uninstalled/reinstalled it and changed the directory multiple times yet i still get this error. I use the latest version of Python and my OS is Windows 10. This seems to be my only reoccurring problem so i ran out of options on how to figure this out.