sushilks / kumojs

Api Gateway and CLI Controller for Mitsubishi Airconditioners
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cryptokeyFromAddress #1

Closed aceresia closed 6 years ago

aceresia commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to create a python version of this for home assistant. Do you know what type of cryptology is being used in the function "cryptokeyFromAddress"? Is it a standard one or proprietary crypto from Mitsubishi?

sushilks commented 6 years ago

You will need to reverse engineer the code for python conversion, The code uses the standard crypto library and some modification to do the hash.

russalex83 commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to create a python version of this for home assistant. Do you know what type of cryptology is being used in the function "cryptokeyFromAddress"? Is it a standard one or proprietary crypto from Mitsubishi?

Hi, Did you figure it out yet? Thanks

aceresia commented 4 years ago

Yes Here it is `

def __l2char(l):
    r = ''
    for c in l:
        r += chr(c)
    return r

def __l2h(l):
    result = ''
    for i in l:
        if i < 16:
            result += '0'
        result += i.toString(16)
    return result

def __h2l(h):
    r = []
    for i in range(0, len(h)-1)[::2]:
        r.append(int(h[i:i+2], 16))
    return r

def __unicodeList(l):
    result = []
    for i in l:
    return result

def __cryptokeyFromAddress(dt):
    W = __h2l(__W)
    p = base64.b64decode(__password)
    hash_string = p.decode('latin1', 'replace') + dt
    dt1 = hashlib.sha256(hash_string.encode("latin1")).hexdigest()
    dt1_l = __h2l(dt1)
    dt2 = ''
    for i in range(0, 88):
        dt2 += '00'
    dt3 = __h2l(dt2)
    dt3[64] = 8
    dt3[65] = 64
    dt3[32:64] = dt1_l
    dt3[66] = self.__S
    cryptoserial = __h2l(__cryptoSerial)
    dt3[79] = cryptoserial[8]
    dt3[80] = cryptoserial[4]
    dt3[81] = cryptoserial[5]
    dt3[82] = cryptoserial[6]
    dt3[83] = cryptoserial[7]
    dt3[84] = cryptoserial[0]
    dt3[85] = cryptoserial[1]
    dt3[86] = cryptoserial[2]
    dt3[87] = cryptoserial[3]
    dt3[0:32] = W
    hash_string = __l2char(dt3)
    result = hashlib.sha256(hash_string.encode("latin1")).hexdigest()
    return result


Just ported from node to python.

russalex83 commented 4 years ago

Yes Here it is `

def __l2char(l):
    r = ''
    for c in l:
        r += chr(c)
    return r

def __l2h(l):
    result = ''
    for i in l:
        if i < 16:
            result += '0'
        result += i.toString(16)
    return result

def __h2l(h):
    r = []
    for i in range(0, len(h)-1)[::2]:
        r.append(int(h[i:i+2], 16))
    return r

def __unicodeList(l):
    result = []
    for i in l:
    return result

def __cryptokeyFromAddress(dt):
    W = __h2l(__W)
    p = base64.b64decode(__password)
    hash_string = p.decode('latin1', 'replace') + dt
    dt1 = hashlib.sha256(hash_string.encode("latin1")).hexdigest()
    dt1_l = __h2l(dt1)
    dt2 = ''
    for i in range(0, 88):
        dt2 += '00'
    dt3 = __h2l(dt2)
    dt3[64] = 8
    dt3[65] = 64
    dt3[32:64] = dt1_l
    dt3[66] = self.__S
    cryptoserial = __h2l(__cryptoSerial)
    dt3[79] = cryptoserial[8]
    dt3[80] = cryptoserial[4]
    dt3[81] = cryptoserial[5]
    dt3[82] = cryptoserial[6]
    dt3[83] = cryptoserial[7]
    dt3[84] = cryptoserial[0]
    dt3[85] = cryptoserial[1]
    dt3[86] = cryptoserial[2]
    dt3[87] = cryptoserial[3]
    dt3[0:32] = W
    hash_string = __l2char(dt3)
    result = hashlib.sha256(hash_string.encode("latin1")).hexdigest()
    return result


Just ported from node to python.

Great! Thanks a lot! Is there anyway you could share your complete project in python? like src, files, libs, etc. It would be greatly appreciated. I don't have whole bunch of experience so python is easier for me to work with. Thanks again for your time.