Subscribing to the the observePairs observable in typings/exchange.d.ts gives the "next" function a Pair[] as the argument but it is typed as just Pair. When consoling logging the output, it shows up properly but it doesn't let you individually access and filter the data. Changing it to Pair[] fixes that issue.
Subscribing to the the observePairs observable in typings/exchange.d.ts gives the "next" function a Pair[] as the argument but it is typed as just Pair. When consoling logging the output, it shows up properly but it doesn't let you individually access and filter the data. Changing it to Pair[] fixes that issue.
export function observePairs(): { subscribe({ next, error, complete }: { next(data: Pair): any; error?(error: any): any; complete?: Function; }): any; };
is basically changed to
export function observePairs(): { subscribe({ next, error, complete }: { next(data: Pair[]): any; error?(error: any): any; complete?: Function; }): any; };
This makes it much easier to use.