sushmita-m / sumulumu-chatops-test

setting up slack app
0 stars 0 forks source link

retwretwret/\'}{0 #243

Closed sushmita-m closed 3 years ago

sushmita-m commented 3 years ago

'{ "text": "[sushmita-m/sumulumu-chatops-test] Issue opened by sushmita-m", "blocks": [ { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Issue opened by sushmita-m" } }, { "type": "context", "elements": [ { "type": "image", "image_url": ";4", "alt_text": "sushmita-m" }, { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "|sushmita-m" } ] }, { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "<|#242 \"fields\": [ {{! mrkdwn is grouped first then the plain_text}} {{#if issue.assignees }} { \"title\": \"Assignees\", \"value\": \"{{assignees_text_plain issue}}\" }, {{\if}} {{#if issue.labels}} { \"title\": \"Labels\", \"value\": \"{{label_text issue.labels}}\" }, {{\if}} {{#if (is_greater_than_zero issue.comments)}} { \"title\": \"Comments\", \"value\": \"{{issue.comments}}\" }, {{\if}} {{#if issue.milestone}} { \"title\": \"Milestone\", \"value\": \"{{get_milestone_link issue.milestone}}\" } {{\if}} ],>" } } ], "attachments":[ { "fields": [ { "title": "Assignees", "value": "sushmita-m" }, { "title": "Labels", "value": "bug, documentation" }, { "title": "Milestone", "value": "|a" } ], "color": "#36a64f", "mrkdwn_in": ["text"], "text": "\"fields\": [ \n\n{{! mrkdwn is grouped first then the plain_text}} \n\n{{#if issue.assignees }} \n\n{ \n\n\"title\": \"Assignees\", \n\n\"value\": \"{{assignees_text_plain issue}}\" \n\n}, \n\n{{/if}} \n\n{{#if issue.labels}} \n\n{ \n\n\"title\": \"Labels\", \n\n\"value\": \"{{label_text issue.labels}}\" \n\n}, \n\n{{/if}} \n\n{{#if (is_greater_than_zero issue.comments)}} \n\n{ \n\n\"title\": \"Comments\", \n\n\"value\": \"{{issue.comments}}\" \n\n}, \n\n{{/if}} \n\n{{#if issue.milestone}} \n\n{ \n\n\"title\": \"Milestone\", \n\n\"value\": \"{{get_milestone_link issue.milestone}}\" \n\n} \n\n{{/if}} \n\n],", "footer": "|sushmita-m/sumulumu-chatops-test | 18 Oct 2020", "footer_icon": "" } ] }