susilehtola / OpenOrbitalOptimizer

Open Orbital Optimizer
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CMake Build System Breaks Containment #1

Open wavefunction91 opened 9 months ago

wavefunction91 commented 9 months ago

A few build system comments (because what's there is not subprojectable nor selfcontained). I'm sure most of these were on your list, but just so you have them for when you want to mess with the build system:

  1. It's generally not a good practice to overwrite CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS (or really any CMAKE_XYZ flags, with a few exceptions as long as you put them back). These are global variables, so it break containment and will make debugging later much more difficult. The only place I see you using this right now is OpenMP, see next comments.
  2. Modern CMake prefers TARGETs over manual including/linking various flags and libraries. The target you want here is OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX, that will include all compiler flags and libraries required to use OpenMP on your platform and it will allow for contained linkage (e.g. target_link_libraries(my_lib PUBLIC OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX) will only affect my_lib and libraries that link to it. It will also make packaging much easier)
  3. Same with LAPACK - link_libraries is global, always prefer target_link_libraries and TARGETs. Unfortunately, BLAS/LAPACK targets weren't added until a very recent CMake. However, I maintain a set of very robust CMake modules to handle BLAS/LAPACK discovery (they're also more robust than the Kitware Find{BLAS,LAPACK}.cmake). The repo is here and an example usage is here. You don't actually need to change find_package(LAPACK), the same semantics apply.
  4. Armadillo actually has a cmake module. Unfortunately it doesn't use TARGETs :disappointed: , but it could be made to pretty easily. I'll open a ticket with Kitware. Again, prefer target_linclude_directories over include_directories as the latter is global.
  5. What is optim? It should be packaged if its not already. If it's not, let me know, and I might be able to whip something up quickly
susilehtola commented 9 months ago

Yes, like I tried to imply, the CMake (like everything else) was quickly hacked together. Some of these will be separate issues

susilehtola commented 9 months ago

Optim is However, since it doesn't seem to work nicely as a header-only library (you need to configure it to get out the header-only version!), I ended up replacing that dependency with a simple conjugate gradient optimizer...

susilehtola commented 9 months ago

The library will be header-only; the CMake is just for building the tests / sample executables.

wavefunction91 commented 9 months ago

This is a common misconception - even header only libraries need a proper build system. Dependency management, flag manipulation (e.g. enforcing a C++ standard, conditional compliation logic), installation logic, etc.

Failure to include one will drastically limit its ability to be integrated downstream. You cannot expect that downstream users will provide this.

susilehtola commented 6 months ago

Should have been closed by #6

wavefunction91 commented 6 months ago

@susilehtola @loriab You should probably add some discovery / subproject tests ala Can't tell you how many times I've accidentally broken install/subproject logic and CI has saved me from merging it into trunk. That can be a separate issue if you prefer, otherwise what @loriab added lgtm for this to close

loriab commented 5 months ago

@wavefunction91, good idea. The find_package side is covered here, but I should add a fetchcontent before closing this.