Eliminate the cruft that's accumulated in Game and play():
kwargs and function names for filter_check are now sensible.
note: these need to be applied to tests, profile_test, perf_test calls, and import calls in main.py
filter_check functions have docstrings which describe them, and re-ordered in TurnStage.
also play() was more modularized by putting board,pieces,player init into a separate function, Game.initialize()
note: this calls for some tests which do play() twice without re-init the Game object, to need to use game.reset_init_switch.
Eliminate the cruft that's accumulated in Game and play():
kwargs and function names for filter_check are now sensible. note: these need to be applied to tests, profile_test, perf_test calls, and import calls in main.py filter_check functions have docstrings which describe them, and re-ordered in TurnStage.
also play() was more modularized by putting board,pieces,player init into a separate function, Game.initialize() note: this calls for some tests which do play() twice without re-init the Game object, to need to use game.reset_init_switch.