Comments are available for translators on Bilara. However the Bilara interface has no UI for publishing comments. There should be a simple UI for doing this. It should work basically the same way as publishing a text.
We could include separate buttons for publishing text and comments, but that would be a lot of buttons on the pages. Instead, I propose that these options be included in the publishing modal.
The modal includes checkboxes which the translator can select. Initial default is to publish translations.
[X] publish translations
[ ] publish comments
However, if both translation and comments have already been published, update them both by default.
[X] publish translations
[X] publish comments
It is possible to publish comments without translation. Someone might make notes on someone else's translation. They can then select:
[ ] publish translations
[X] publish comments
If either translations or comments are entirely absent, that option should be disabled.
<input type="checkbox" disabled />
When being published or updated, the comments are processed just as the text.
Comments are available for translators on Bilara. However the Bilara interface has no UI for publishing comments. There should be a simple UI for doing this. It should work basically the same way as publishing a text.
We could include separate buttons for publishing text and comments, but that would be a lot of buttons on the pages. Instead, I propose that these options be included in the publishing modal.
<input type="checkbox" disabled />
When being published or updated, the comments are processed just as the text.