suttacentral / bilara

Our Computer Aided Translation software
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Prevent accidental addition of TM suggestion #31

Closed sujato closed 4 years ago

sujato commented 5 years ago

There is a bug where when you click on a segment to edit it, the segment jumps up, due to the TM matches on the previous segment closing. But then the cursor is not in the segment to be edited, but rather it hovers over one of the newly displayed TM matches. Okay, but the problem is, for some reason it decides to submit that TM match, even though it has not been clicked. The TM goes into the segment purely on hover.

Check out the screencast to see what I mean. You can see that an inappropriate TM match gets submitted. Although you can't see this on the screencast, I can guarantee that they TM was not clicked!

This is a bad bug, as it is easy to submit the wrong string. Since we also cannot undo a segment change, you can even forget what the original string was, and have to refresh the page to get it back.

Screencast from 14-04-20