suwebdev / earth-covers

Fall 2018 WATS 4020 Group Repository
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Facebook fans and social media sharing #9

Open dfoong opened 6 years ago

dfoong commented 6 years ago

Name of issue: Facebook Fans and social media sharing


Estimated size Small

Your reasoning for adding this Issue to the Sprint: In this day and age, people are more connected to social media and their devices than the traditional method of word-of-mouth sharing. If a user is able to share their Likes or Dislikes easily, with one button or one click, this will enhance the user's experience as well as encourage participation.

Finding other friends who are fans of the same author (or the website database) is beneficial to community building and friendship.

What is the priority that has been assigned? Low priority

How do you interpret this fitting into the process of building this project? It will probably come at a later time because it depends on existing media and code to be able to implement. However, it is a small size project, so it should be fairly easy to include in the database.

Why should this be in the Sprint this time? Why not wait until the next Sprint? It can wait until the next Sprint, because it is dependent on other media. But building content with the mindset of sharing it in the future means better code in the long run.

dfoong commented 6 years ago

Task branch name feature/facebookfans

Brief statement of work performed Added some code for users to share with a button (Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter inlcuded) Code can be seen here:

Any notes, comments, or update instructions about the work. May have to be added on every page because this code relies on the header and html of pages.