Populating our website with poetry content is crucial for this sprint because reading poetry is the primary purpose of this site. As the bulk of the content on our site, it will be important to include poetry content in the earliest phase possible. Adding poetry in an earlier sprint will allow an adequate amount of time to refine and test this major feature of our website.
Hey everyone! I made a branch for this issue called content. So far I've been able to add:
Some poems into the archive and include some required informational details about the poems: publishing date, the book that the poem is included in, and a 2-4 line preview of the poem.
Each poem full poem is linked to full version in a modal view.
I added a design template that lays out a fitting user experience of the archive page.
There is a link that routes to the archive view in the marketing section on the homepage.
As a poetry reader, I want to browse for poems, so that I can easily and quickly find works to read that are interesting to me.
Size: Large
Priority: Must
Issue Inclusion Summary:
Populating our website with poetry content is crucial for this sprint because reading poetry is the primary purpose of this site. As the bulk of the content on our site, it will be important to include poetry content in the earliest phase possible. Adding poetry in an earlier sprint will allow an adequate amount of time to refine and test this major feature of our website.