Reasoning for Adding Issue to the Sprint:
Now that we have the poems on the site and the filtering for the poems, and we have finalized the basic site layout with the poems page and the about and contact pages up and running it is time to add the secondary functionalities for the site. The most important of the secondary functionalities is the image gallery. So we are adding in the first sprint so that it is up and running almost as soon as the site is.
What is the priority that has been assigned?
. This task has been assigned the sixth task so it is of medium priority.
How do you interpret this fitting into the process of building the project?
This task is not part of the minimum viable product so the basic site can ship without it but it is an important feature of the site and should be completed as soon as possible.
Why should this be in the Sprint this time? Why not wait until the next Sprint?
This task is important once the main purpose of the site is functioning. It is not necessary but it is one of the key features that we decided our site will have. So while the site can run without it the task still needs to be done as soon as possible.
User Story (story 1)
Task Size: XL
Reasoning for Adding Issue to the Sprint: Now that we have the poems on the site and the filtering for the poems, and we have finalized the basic site layout with the poems page and the about and contact pages up and running it is time to add the secondary functionalities for the site. The most important of the secondary functionalities is the image gallery. So we are adding in the first sprint so that it is up and running almost as soon as the site is.
What is the priority that has been assigned? . This task has been assigned the sixth task so it is of medium priority.
How do you interpret this fitting into the process of building the project? This task is not part of the minimum viable product so the basic site can ship without it but it is an important feature of the site and should be completed as soon as possible.
Why should this be in the Sprint this time? Why not wait until the next Sprint? This task is important once the main purpose of the site is functioning. It is not necessary but it is one of the key features that we decided our site will have. So while the site can run without it the task still needs to be done as soon as possible.