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[monitoring] resource consumption / capacity planning mimir #360

Open jkleinlercher opened 1 month ago

jkleinlercher commented 1 month ago

for mimir namespace the resourcequota and usage looks like this (per default)

kubectl get resourcequota -n mimir
NAME                    AGE   REQUEST                                               LIMIT
default-resourcequota   33m   requests.cpu: 2710m/4, requests.memory: 6532Mi/16Gi   limits.cpu: 11500m/14, limits.memory: 22728Mi/24Gi

we should investigate if this is really needed or if we can decrease (or should increase??) resource requests/limits. Also the reason could be the kyverno limitrange, maybe this is complete bullshit:

In the chart there are also some t-shirt values:

jkleinlercher commented 1 month ago

also do capacity planning for disk space

jkleinlercher commented 6 days ago

also configuring a retention is needed