suyashkumar / dicom

⚡High Performance DICOM Medical Image Parser in Go.
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The reason why the converted DICOM displays as blank after converting from RAW format might be attributed to the following factors: #309

Closed wangmingche closed 1 month ago

wangmingche commented 2 months ago

escription When converting a raw format file to DICOM using the provided program, the resulting output.dcm file appears as a blank/black image when viewed in a DICOM browser.

Environment Go version: 1.22.0 dicom library version: v1.0.7 Steps to Reproduce Prepare a raw format file. Use the provided program to convert the raw file to DICOM. View the resulting output.dcm file in a DICOM browser. Expected Behavior The converted DICOM image should display properly, showing the content of the original raw format file.

Actual Behavior The converted DICOM image appears as a blank/black image when viewed in a DICOM browser.


    rawFile := "./Fppic_00001615_2024y04m04d18h00m10s_SNAGA39V30E954.raw"
rawData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(rawFile)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Failed to read RAW file: %v\n", err)

    pixelDataInfo := dicom.PixelDataInfo{
      IntentionallyUnprocessed: true,
      UnprocessedValueData:     rawData,

// 设置 DICOM 元数据
elements := []*dicom.Element{
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.SOPClassUID, []string{"1.2.840.10008."}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.SOPInstanceUID, []string{"1.2.840.113619."}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.PatientName, []string{"ceshiwang"}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.PatientID, []string{"123456"}),
    //dicom.MustNewElement(tag.StudyInstanceUID, Uuid),
    //dicom.MustNewElement(tag.SeriesInstanceUID, Uuid),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.StudyID, []string{"4007"}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.Modality, []string{"CR"}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.Manufacturer, []string{"DATU MEDICAL"}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.Rows, []int{512}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.Columns, []int{512}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.BitsAllocated, []int{16}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.BitsStored, []int{16}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.HighBit, []int{15}),
    dicom.MustNewElement(tag.PixelRepresentation, []int{0}),
dicomDataSet := dicom.Dataset{Elements: elements}

var buffer bytes.Buffer
if err := dicom.Write(&buffer, dicomDataSet,dicom.DefaultMissingTransferSyntax()); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Failed to write DICOM file: %v\n", err)
// 保存 DICOM 文件
dicomFile := "output.dcm"
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(dicomFile, buffer.Bytes(), 0644); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Failed to save DICOM file: %v\n", err)

fmt.Printf("DICOM file saved: %s\n", dicomFile)


suyashkumar commented 1 month ago

Hi there, it's because we don't have autoscaling, but you can apply scaling on your own if you'd like, more details