suzaku-io / boopickle

Binary serialization library for efficient network communication
Apache License 2.0
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Documentation / Mitigation regarding untrusted input #196

Open Dennis4b opened 2 years ago

Dennis4b commented 2 years ago

I like Boopickle for its size, efficiency, and the obfuscating side effect of not having to encode any structure or key names, as both sides know what the data represents, and I use it together with sloth for scala.js <-> scala communications without any issues.

However, the client, and all that it sends, is untrusted, and I think it would therefore be helpful (apologies if I missed a previous discussion on this?) if a knowledgable insider could share some thoughts on possible concerns with untrusted input.

For me three issues come to mind:

1) Robustness against carefully crafted malformed data, basically the equivalent of trying to provoke a buffer overflow in C/C++. I would imagine that on the JVM all such attempts would result in a decoder exception, limited to tempory higher CPU/memory consumption?

2) Avoiding denial of service attacks by for example abusing deduplication logic, for example creating a cycle of references, where a decoder could get stuck. (Of course the encoder is not going to create such a structure in normal use, but wether it is possible to manually construct a cycle or similar pathological case).

3) Avoiding zip-bomb kinds of attacks, passing very large size fields and/or using deduplication causing the server to allocate huge amounts of memory in preparation for large strings or buffers. It's common protection to limit the HTTP request size in the webserver/proxy, but this is ineffective if the a boopickle structure, itself of a normal size, has the potential to explode to a huge size during decoding.

Any thoughts are very much appreciated!

Dennis4b commented 2 years ago

As a quick example:

scala> val enc = new EncoderSpeed()
val enc: boopickle.EncoderSpeed = boopickle.EncoderSpeed@d59b6cb

scala> enc.writeInt(2100000000)
val res37: boopickle.Encoder = boopickle.EncoderSpeed@d59b6cb

scala> val bb = enc.asByteBuffer
val bb: java.nio.ByteBuffer = java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=4 cap=512]

scala> val dec = new DecoderSpeed(bb)
val dec: boopickle.DecoderSpeed = boopickle.DecoderSpeed@5f7509c8

scala> dec.buf.remaining
val res38: Int = 4

scala> dec.readIntArray()
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Would it make sense, when allocating (larger) arrays, to check if this allocation is reasonable ?

So something like:

  def readIntArray(len: Int): Array[Int] = {
+     assert(buf.remaining() >= len * 4) // bail out if not
    val array = new Array[Int](len)
    buf.position(buf.position() + len * 4)
strelec commented 2 years ago

I think this is a very good idea, surprised this is not already done.

In fact, this should be considered a security vulnerability, worthy of a CVE.