sv / kdbgo

kdb+ client driver for Go
MIT License
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Testing With Q Installed #12

Closed yznima closed 5 years ago

yznima commented 5 years ago

I am thinking of addressing the installing q is in your future to install Q on Travis CI since I believe some of the tests are failing when run with Q installed on my machine

I was thinking we could check in the 32 bit binary of Q into the repository and run that. Do you have any approach in mind?

yznima commented 5 years ago

@sv What do you think about this?

sv commented 5 years ago

Terms and conditions of 32bit don't allow checking in binary into public repo. Maybe same approach that is used in can be used in other repos. go test would start q if it is in your path locally to test.

yznima commented 5 years ago

Sounds great. I will try to see If I can get it working

yznima commented 5 years ago

@sv Looks like in the line curl -O$X/3.5/ X is set outside the repository. Is this something that can be set by you?

sv commented 5 years ago

@yznima added X for curl -O$X/3.6/

yznima commented 5 years ago

@sv It doesn't seem like the value of $X is present. See the logs in for the curl command. The value is empty

sv commented 5 years ago

It would work only when built from sv/kdbgo repo. You would need to setup the same if you want to test your branches. To get value of X you need to register and agree to terms of service for 32bit and extract X from link you get for Linux. Then in your travis setup, add it to environment variables and tick 'hide from console' box.