Currently am using the Fortran iTaps API to do this. All hurdles in implementing this have been taken care of, and am currently working on smaller implementation details/testing
Code for tets/hexahedra:
TBD: how much of the code can be the same for both voxel types
Arbitrary hexahedra probably supported
Will support meshes that mix tets/hexs (though a use case doesn't really exist yet?)
This is done, and implemented in source_moab.F90. In particular, the mesh reading is done in read_moab() and source_setup(). Both tetrahedra and parallelepiped hexahedra are supported.
Currently am using the Fortran iTaps API to do this. All hurdles in implementing this have been taken care of, and am currently working on smaller implementation details/testing
Code for tets/hexahedra: