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BIP 39 test for BIP 32 some remarks #46

Closed PieterValentijn closed 1 year ago

PieterValentijn commented 1 year ago

Ok so i have been able to get the BIP 32 going now but i found some issues. unit web3.bip39;

class function TMnemonic.sha256(const input: TBytes): TBytes;

writes one byte less of the input due to the use of High.

stream.Write(input, High(input)+1);

Im for moving this function tot he tools unit as i need it also in bip 32.

If you change this then you must also change the
constructor TMnemonic.Create(entropy: TBytes); begin // checksum is the 1st byte of the SHA256 digest const checksum = TMnemonic.sha256(entropy)[0]; where the checksum should be calculated before the // reserve 1 extra byte for the checksum SetLength(entropy, Length(entropy) + 1);

For BIP 32 i will also need the HMAC_SHA512 maby that can be added to tools aswell. Maby for the sake of simplicity also add these functions.

function b58decode(InStr: String): Tbytes; var ab: IBase58; begin ab := TBase58.Create(TBase58Alphabet.BitCoin); result := ab.Decode(InStr); end;

function b58encode(Bytes: Tbytes): String; var ab: IBase58; begin ab := TBase58.Create(TBase58Alphabet.BitCoin); result := ab.Encode(Bytes); end;