Rollup of the top-level architecture changes in v1.8
Batch A: Internals
Move execution logic into the test/benchmark object and out of the class - they provide an execute method, and work on callbacks to log/return results (greatly simplifies all the below, quickly).
Challenge: lots of command-line & test-set config options need to be consumed here. Lots of logic and dependencies on
Challenge: cyclic dependency issues, need to move outputs from macro into objects too, because tests/benchmarks can't import resttest (cyclic dependency issue, since it depends on them)
Parsing class gets built out with shared extensions, which will do testing and type conversion and docs generation given a list of Options
Define an "Optionable" class:
get_all_options(self) # Returns a collection of the options allowed here, maybe for docs
set_option(name, value) # vs. object.option = value ? (with properties if needed), returns the object itself for fluent use
parse(self, config) # parse yaml and return the object
add_option(self, arguments) # Add a new config option
SharedOptions class created, that cmdline, testConfig, and test/Benchmark can use for common settings
cmdLine, testConfig, and test/Benchmark then can provide their own additional options beyond that (shared options are checked first, then internal options)
Relies on property-based getters and setters I think, plus either using the "with" syntax to do context dynamic substitution, or setting it on the macro object.
Parser/option handler is responsible for creating these dynamic bindings in object, using dynamic binding names
Item A1 can occur in a single branch and is fairly isolated. B1 completely depends on it and needs investigation to determine if this approach will work.
Item A2 will block development of new features while in progress. B2 is completely dependent on it.
Rollup of the top-level architecture changes in v1.8
Batch A: Internals
Batch B: Major features built on top of internals
Item A1 can occur in a single branch and is fairly isolated. B1 completely depends on it and needs investigation to determine if this approach will work. Item A2 will block development of new features while in progress. B2 is completely dependent on it.