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Invoice paid by a Third Party - with corporate card #46

Open svanteschubert opened 8 months ago

svanteschubert commented 8 months ago


Invoice following purchase with a corporate card (purchase card)

French Use Case n°7: Invoice following a purchase with an embedded card (purchasing card)

In the case of a purchase with a lodged card, for a hotel room or train tickets paid for by the public entity / For the accountant, for example, the invoice has already been paid (BT-113), and the due date is entered with the payment date.


Figure 5: Invoice following a card purchase

The steps for case 7 are :

Step Stage name Responsible player Description
1 Purchasing Card Buyer The buyer orders a product/travel using a purchasing card or a card lodged with the supplier.
2 Invoice creation Supplier The supplier creates an invoice that has already been paid. At the same time, his issuing platform (PPF) sends a Stream 1 to declare the billing data.
3 Information on payment transaction data Supplier The payment transaction data is transmitted to the financial institution (outside the tool).
4 Receipt of transaction amount Supplier The supplier receives payment for the invoice.
5Receipt of invoiceBuyerThe buyer receives the invoice from the supplier.
6Transaction statement transmissionThird partiesThe bank sends a statement of transactions to the customer (excluding the tool).
7Reconciliation between statement and invoiceBuyer

The customer can reconcile invoices received from the

supplier and transaction statement (excluding tool).

8Payment of the statement of transactions


The buyer settles the transaction statement (excluding tools)

9Information from invoice collection

Go to à update at status



The PPF then sends the status "cashed" via a flow 6 (payment data to the administration). This declaration can be made automatically (without any action on the part of the supplier) following the

receipt of invoice...

11Receipt of payment data flow

For a B2B transaction, the operation of an embedded card is the same as for Case 2: invoice already paid by the buyer or a third party designated for invoicing at the time the invoice is issued.

Cases 8 to 10: Invoices payable to a third party (including factoring)

Focus on factoring management on the PPF

Factoring is a credit transaction within the meaning of Article L. 313-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. This regulated financial service, provided by specialized credit institutions or finance companies, is based on the purchase of trade receivables. The legal basis for the transfer of receivables from the supplier to the factor is the conventional subrogation provided for in the French Civil Code, the cession of trade receivables known as "cession Dailly" provided for in the French Monetary and Financial Code, or the cession of receivables provided for in the French Civil Code. Whatever the method, the factor is the owner of the assigned receivable.


In order to benefit from the services of the public invoicing portal, a player must have a user account on the portal. A connection will also be required to exchange flows (invoices or lifecycles) or use the APIs made available. If there is no connection, only the portal functionality will be available.

The services associated with factoring can be divided into four categories, as summarized below.

Case 1: The factor has an account on the PPF and the supplier and/or buyer have chosen the PPF to issue or receive the invoice.


Figure 6: Invoice payable to a third party designated for invoicing (Option 1)

- The factor can consult the invoice and its life cycle:

 - The factor can use portal/API solutions (if he has created a connection) to consult the invoice and its lifecycle.

- The factor will be able to update the lifecycle (add attachment

 / collection) :

 - The factor can use the portal/API channels (if he has created a connection) to update the lifecycle;

 - The factor can use the EDI or API channel to transmit a lifecycle update, if he has created the appropriate connection.

- The PPF sends a notification (e-mail) to all players with a user account as soon as an event occurs on the invoice (deposit / change of status / factoring / change of factor), without specifying the type of event. It is up to the players concerned to consult the invoice to find out the details of the event.

- API search (with criteria) possible (if a connection has been made)1. In the event of a change in the invoices to be searched, the PPF will send an API message.

 with the data defined at the output of the Search API2.

Case 2: The factor does not have an account on the PPF, but the supplier and/or buyer have chosen the PPF to issue or receive the invoice.


- The invoice must be sent to the factor by the off-tool supplier.

- Depending on the service offered by the PDP, the factor can either transmit the "cashed" status to the PPF for the invoice concerned, or transmit the information to the supplier, who will enrich the "cashed" status.

Case 3: The factor has an account on the PPF but neither the supplier nor the buyer has chosen the PPF to issue or receive his invoice.


- The PPF will only receive stream 1 (data for administration) from the supplier's PDP.

- The invoice must be sent by the supplier to the factor outside the tool.

- The factor is not informed of changes to the invoice (life cycle).

- The factor must send information on the collection of the receivable to the supplier so that the latter can enrich the

 cashed" status of the invoice concerned

4th case: None of the players has an account on the PPF.


- The PPF will only receive stream 1 from the supplier's MPS.

- Solution based on PDP service offerings.

- Depending on the service offered by its PDP, the factor can either send the supplier's PDP the status "cashed" for the invoice in question, or pass on the information to the supplier, who then

 will be responsible for enriching the "cashed" status.

Conditions for factor access to factored invoices :

Change of factor :

NOTE: The text/pictures of this use case no. 7 were taken from the French government site! The text was extracted from V2.3 - deepl English DOCX and any pictures were taken from V2.2 - original English PDF)

edmundgray commented 8 months ago

The invoice is therefore paid and Paid Amount (BT-113) is used to show this and Amount due for payment (BT-11) would be zero