svartalf / rust-battery

Rust crate providing cross-platform information about the notebook batteries.
Apache License 2.0
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Update nix to ~0.23 #92

Open davidkna opened 2 years ago

davidkna commented 2 years ago

nix has recently published a security advisory (RUSTSEC-2021-0119) and the nix version used in rust-battery is vulnerable. This PR updates nix (and MSRV) to the latest version and makes the necessary changes to have it successfully build for FreeBSD with cross. Closes #89

ClementTsang commented 2 years ago

this would also fix #91

wez commented 2 years ago

What will it take to land and publish this? (Should probably go with nix 0.24 at this point). This problematic nix dep is flagging in cargo audit

ClementTsang commented 2 years ago

I think the author doesn't seem to really be active on this project anymore. Might be worth just forking out your own version at this point.

wez commented 2 years ago

looks like starship-battery is a pre-existing fork so I'm going with that

ClementTsang commented 2 years ago

Oh, nice! I was looking for something similar; I'll update the linked issue to point people in a similar situation there in that case.