On the frontend we need to know is our guest session still alive or do we need refresh session token? So you need to implement simple functionality to check it.
Take as example UserCheckController and make ability to send request to api/guests/token/{token} and if guest session not expired yet (token found in GuestRepository) - then send response as empty json with 200 status. Otherwise, if token not found send 404 response. + Integrational tests for this 2 cases.
On the frontend we need to know is our guest session still alive or do we need refresh session token? So you need to implement simple functionality to check it.
Take as example UserCheckController and make ability to send request to
and if guest session not expired yet (token found in GuestRepository) - then send response as empty json with 200 status. Otherwise, if token not found send 404 response. + Integrational tests for this 2 cases.