svecosystem / runed

Magical utilities for your Svelte applications (WIP)
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useToggle #45

Closed Tyson910 closed 3 months ago

Tyson910 commented 4 months ago

Describe the feature in detail (code, mocks, or screenshots encouraged)

Describe the feature in detail (code, mocks, or screenshots encouraged)

useToggle rune to implement a common state pattern – it switches state between given values e.g. ['light mode', 'dark mode'], ['grid view', 'list view' , 'map view'], ['online', 'idle', 'offline']

The rune accepts an array as single argument, the first option will be used as the default value. useToggle returns an object with a read/write value and toggle function.

Here's how I imagine it would look like in action:

import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
import { useToggle } from "runed";

describe("useToggle", () => {
    it("Toggle loops back to first element when last element is reached", () => {
        const { value, toggle } = useToggle(["light", "dark"] as const);

What type of pull request would this be?

New Feature

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What type of pull request would this be?

New Feature

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Tyson910 commented 4 months ago

Realizing now that if I lose reactivity when I destructure a flattened box (using box.flatten()), not sure if this is a feature or bug. Rough draft for an implementation would be

export function useToggle<T = boolean>(options: readonly T[] = [false, true] as const) {
    let selectedIndex = box(0);
    return box.flatten({
        value: box.with(() => options[selectedIndex.value]),
        // maybe next()/prev() instead?
        toggle() {
            if (selectedIndex.value < options.length - 1) {
                selectedIndex.value += 1;
            } else {
                selectedIndex.value = 0;
import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
import { useToggle } from "runed";

describe("useToggle", () => {
    it("Toggle loops back to first element when last element is reached", () => {
        const themeToggle = useToggle(["light", "dark"] as const);
abdel-17 commented 4 months ago

I think a a toggle with more than two states is a bit strange. I'd just make this a boolean.

Tyson910 commented 4 months ago

I could see that name causing some confusion & I’m open to changing the name of the util function, maybe to a useEnum, useSwitch, useStateSwitch, or useMultiToggle instead? The functionality of switch state between these given values still feels like it could be of value here

abdel-17 commented 4 months ago

a switch also implies two states. useEnum is a lot more descriptive.

TGlide commented 3 months ago

TBH this seems like a good use case for a vanilla JS function:

function toggle<T>(curr: T, items: T[]): T {
    return items[items.indexOf(curr) + 1] ?? items[0];

const themes = ['dark', 'light', 'auto'] as const
type Theme = typeof themes[number]
let theme = $state<Theme>(themes[0])

const toggleTheme = () => theme = toggle(theme, themes)

// vs

import { useToggle } from 'runed'

const themes = ['dark', 'light', 'auto'] as const
type Theme = typeof themes[number]
let theme = $state<Theme>(themes[0])

const toggleTheme = useToggle(themes, (v) => theme = v)

Not sure it's a huge benefit to add this util