I'm doing a status menu item that I'm going to use to open Rider with env. vars loaded (Rider has a problem with loading env. vars when starting it normal).
It should be simple, but I must be missing some obvious here.
This is my assumption after reading the docs:
Scripts are read and executed as is (just like a normal script)
To create a menu with clickable menu options you create a if/else where you echo your menu in if (depending on the if-statement)
When clicking a menu option the script "re-runs" but with an argument set that corresponds to the output of the menu option.
You then "catch" this argument and do whatever you want.
But the argument seem to be empty for me. I tried a bunch of stuff (just one example posted here)
My simple menu:
Platypus app
Platypus version
Found this issue, but it didn't help me much:
Status Menu variable not being sent to bash script #226
The script:
openRider="Öppna Rider"
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo $openRider
echo $quit
else # else for now when testing
#Open Finder if it works, just for testing
open -R .
# TODO Load external env vars.
#open ~/Library/Application\ Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/Rider/ch-0/232.9921.83/Rider.app
Bonus question
How do a get an alert? echo alert from documentation is not working for me (becomes a menu option with the "error text" if there is something wrong).
I'm doing a status menu item that I'm going to use to open Rider with env. vars loaded (Rider has a problem with loading env. vars when starting it normal).
It should be simple, but I must be missing some obvious here.
This is my assumption after reading the docs:
But the argument seem to be empty for me. I tried a bunch of stuff (just one example posted here)
My simple menu:
Platypus app
Platypus version
Found this issue, but it didn't help me much:
Status Menu variable not being sent to bash script #226
The script:
Bonus question
How do a get an alert? echo alert from documentation is not working for me (becomes a menu option with the "error text" if there is something wrong).