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Moving from React to Svelte, progressively #19

Closed drFerg closed 1 year ago

drFerg commented 1 year ago

** Talk Title Moving from React to Svelte, progressively

** Abstract of your talk How we're progressively moving an actively worked on codebase (with 4 engineers) into SvelteKit, to enable us to progressively enhance the frontend with Svelte + Kit whilst minimising impact on product velocity.

** About the Talk Post SvelteKit RC1 we decided to bite the bullet and migrate our 1 year old React codebase of ~150 components to Svelte. We decided freezing all features and converting the whole in one go would be too costly - so instead sought to do a smaller upfront migration, with a progressive approach for the rest of the codebase using svelte-preprocess-react.

[ Projector] Things I need (Projector, etc) [15] Talk Length in Minutes (Approx)

** About You

[Fergus Leahy] Your Name [Software Engineer @ Outverse] Your Job [@drferg] Your Twitter Handle [London, UK] Your Location