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Post-event Thoughts & Ideas #5

Open kevmodrome opened 4 years ago

kevmodrome commented 4 years ago

For next time, let's improve! Thoughts, ideas and feedback is welcome.

For next time the most pressing thing to solve is the stream connection issues. It cascaded into other issues like not being able to scrub videos (so having to watch several videos twice).

More thoughts for video makers (courtesy of @sw-yx ) :

  1. make words in slides bigger
  2. make code in IDE bigger
  3. make text in terminals bigger
  4. check sound levels, easier to volume down than to boost volume up
  5. check if audio is mono or stereo
  6. check contrast levels of slides
vedam commented 4 years ago

Because I can't contribute that much to the topic of coding, I could contribute to the topic of design, if desired. So if you could agree on a general format (technical, structural, maybe a template) as you want to presentate, I would be able to put some kind of svelte-identity (colors, fonts, text-sizes) over it. I know that this is often a very sensitive topic, because every speaker has his own personal preferences and ideas. But hey, I can only offer it.

It would have the advantage that not everyone has to reinvent the design wheel and would perhaps take the styling-hurdle off some people.

karinesabatier commented 4 years ago

Hey! Such a great event !!!! Loved the creativity and the diversity of the talks. The format (prerecorded) is also great bc it allows speakers to comment their own slides and answer live questions - which adds a lot of interactivity. It surely makes a lot to pay attention to but it rocked!

My 2 cents

Thanks again @kevmodrome for dealing with the streaming issues with such chill!

confraria commented 4 years ago

The event was really wonderful. Thank you! To avoid the streaming problems maybe consider youtube live premieres, where the video is already pre-uploaded. Not sure how it would work in practice, but maybe something like live stream for the speaker and live premieres for each talk, maybe with a website supporting this where you could easily switch embeds from the live stream to each live premiere.

bartosjiri commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the event!

Apart from all already mentioned suggestions, personally I would appreciate stream overlays with important info as well as some links in the livestream description. Even though people in the chat were very active & helpful, there was always someone asking for schedule and similar. A little bar at the bottom with name of the topic, presenter, link to schedule and discord would be helpful in my opinion. Tip: this can be done in Svelte and imported as "Browser source" to the streaming software.

GiorgosK commented 4 years ago

Great event will be waiting for the next one.

Perhaps we can have the schedule and the details as presented here available at the start of the event and should be pinned on the channel.

swyxio commented 4 years ago

how to video tutorial like a pro -

Tools: AUDIO > Video. Use a good mic. Film yourself w/ natural light & good backdrop when explaining ideas. Use Screenflow, high res monitor (for zooming). Hire a film editor. Keynote/powerpoint. Use Animations! Get everything captioned!

Instructional Design:

Filming: clean desktop and browser extensions. Use bigger fonts, zoom in on browser. Good code fonts: Monaco, Inconsolata, Anonymous Pro, Source Code Pro. Accessible color scheme. Code highlighting. Show code side by side with result. Avoid switching windows quickly - pause before switching. Callout and Zoom-in where needed, show people where they should look. Call attention to mouse if clicking. Show your keys for shortcuts. Write out/animate code one line at a time. Don't show face when reading code.

Delivery: Be energetic. act like you're happy to see them. speak more clearly than normal. use a voice volume that's neither loud or soft. Tell tales, personal stories, show that you care. Go on screen when explaining concepts/stories. Wear professional clothes.

Customer Service: Explain how long it will take ("In just 5 minutes we'lll _____"). Do not be overly technical. Avoid profanity. Keep your intro short, state the problem you're solving. Keep audio at consistent level. Show how to install on multiple platforms. Let watchers know where to go next. Update your videos or commit to a version.

swyxio commented 4 years ago


  1. make words in slides AS BIG AS POSSIBLE
  2. make code in IDE AS BIG AS POSSIBLE
  3. make text in terminals AS BIG AS POSSIBLE
  4. check sound levels, easier to volume down than to boost volume up
  5. check if audio is mono or stereo
  6. check contrast levels of slides

Conf organizer notes:

arxpoetica commented 4 years ago