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Add `eslint-plugin-playwright` / `eslint-plugin-vitest` if eslint and playwright/vitest selected #10437

Open seanlail opened 11 months ago

seanlail commented 11 months ago

Describe the problem

When running npm create svelte@latest we are given the option to add eslint / unit tests or integration tests.

When we add eslint, vitest and playwright however, we end up with a partial configuration setup.

We should be adding the plugins for linting the above testing frameworks and configuring them correctly.

Describe the proposed solution

Update the eslint config to add these eslint plugins and correctly configure them.


Alternatives considered

No response


nice to have

Additional Information

No response

seanlail commented 11 months ago

Example repo with how I think it should be setup:

Side note: Should testing-library be added? There are no component tests in the example.