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Having a +server.js file caused 405 #11794

Open msavin opened 5 months ago

msavin commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

I had an on-going issue with meta-tags not rendering on social platforms, as well as possible indexing problems.

One of my pages was returning 405- even though there was nothing unusual about it.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head>
<body><p>GET method not allowed</p></body>

For example: returns 405 worked fine

I was using Facebook debugger to test changes

I ended up trying different deployment solutions, going in circles with configurations, and playing with rendering options. In the end, the problem was just the presence of the +server.js file

Directory structure was:

The file had

// export const prerender = true;
// export const ssr = true;

I would try uncommenting one at at time, but ultimately, just removing it fixed the problem


Put an empty +server.js file, deploy and test with Facebook debugger


No response

System Info

Netlify build



Additional Information

No response

Conduitry commented 5 months ago

I'd argue that the current behavior is correct, if perhaps not useful. If you have a +server file, it's expected to export methods for all of the HTTP verbs you want to support - and if you don't export any methods, the endpoint doesn't support any verbs. I'm marking this as something to possibly consider for SvelteKit 3.0.

dummdidumm commented 4 months ago

We could add a warning, something like "you didn't add any verbs, are you sure this is correct?" - not sure how you would be able to silence it though (or would you even want to? In which situation would this be the wanted behavior?)

msavin commented 4 months ago

If there is no export, maybe it should ignore it, otherwise, an empty export can do it?

It did confuse me for days as other pages worked fine. I had assumed that the settings for server.js would apply to sub-directories but it does not look to be the case

rndfm commented 2 months ago

I was trapped is this for days.

When having an +server.js with only a POST method in it. The +page.svelte work just fine if the request has an accept header. If not it return 405 method not allowed.