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Allow an easy way NOT to wrap a file #12107

Closed tobiasBora closed 1 month ago

tobiasBora commented 1 month ago

Describe the problem

I have a template index.html that I want to include verbatim at url /admin. But if I put its content in +page.svelte, it gets wrapped by the content of app.html and the root +layout file. I tried to move it in /static/admin/index.html, but then the issue is that admin/index.html works, but admin alone gives an error 404.

Describe the proposed solution

Maybe allow the user to define a file like +layout@@.svelte to inherit from nothing, not even app.html or the root layout.

Alternatives considered

No response


would make my life easier

Additional Information

No response

hyunbinseo commented 1 month ago

Possible solutions are:

You can use custom template engines in server endpoints, such as LiquidJS.

If the index.html file is just a template, and Svelte should be rendered inside it, use (groups)

  1. Do not put anything in the root +layout.svelte and the related files.
  2. Create /src/routes/(non-admin) and /src/routes/(admin)/admin directories.
  3. Put existing routes in the former directory.

You can now use separate +layout.svelte for each groups.

tobiasBora commented 1 month ago

Thanks, but I can't find how this adress raised in the issue (I will try the second server.js based solution later today):

hyunbinseo commented 1 month ago

I've understood why /static/admin/index.html does not work. Thanks for the clarification.

Serving the index.html file or a newly generated HTML using template engines (e.g. LiquidJS, Nunjucks) in the +server.ts endpoint will definitely work. I am actually using it in a project.

If you can overhaul the project structure, I suggest the following:

└── src/
    ├── app.html - Generic as possible. Don't add anything here.
    └── routes/
        ├── (admin)/
        │   ├── admin
        │   └── +layout.svelte - Use the group layout to add `<svelte:head>` etc.
        └── (non-admin)/ - Put existing routes in this group.
            ├── about
            ├── profile
            └── +layout.svelte - Use the group layout to add `<svelte:head>` etc.

Note that even with this approach, you cannot add Svelte page component directly under <body>.

<body data-sveltekit-preload-data="hover">
  <div style="display: contents">%sveltekit.body%</div>
Conduitry commented 1 month ago

If you want to render a file actually verbatim, then a +server route is how you probably should be doing it.

If you want to render a page without any wrapping layout other than what's present in your app.html, then you need to make sure your top-level layout doesn't introduce any wrapping markup. The way to do this (while preserving shared layouts for other routes) is with layout groups, as mentioned above.