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fix: remove ":$" from virtual module ids to allow dev server to work with proxies #12157

Open janabimustafa opened 3 weeks ago

janabimustafa commented 3 weeks ago


This PR addresses an issue where Nginx, and potentially other reverse proxies, do not process URLs containing the sequence :$. Specifically, Nginx returns a "400 Bad Request" error when it encounters such URLs. This conflict arises when using the Vite development server with SvelteKit, where certain virtual modules (e.g., $env/dynamic/public and $env/static/public) are externally represented with an ID that includes :$.


In the Vite dev server, some SvelteKit virtual modules are resolved to IDs such as \0virtual:$env/dynamic/public. The presence of :$ in these IDs causes compatibility issues with Nginx, which fails to handle these URLs correctly.


This PR modifies the naming convention for virtual modules in the Vite development environment. The proposed change is to avoid starting virtual module names with $, thereby preventing the inclusion of :$ in the module IDs. This adjustment ensures that the Vite dev server can operate behind Nginx or similar reverse proxies without encountering HTTP 400 errors.


Adopting this naming convention will allow developers to run the Vite development server behind Nginx and other reverse proxies seamlessly, improving development workflow and compatibility.

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janabimustafa commented 6 days ago

@dummdidumm @Rich-Harris @benmccann any chance someone can take a look at this? as it stands, version 1.25.1 is the latest version I can use without running into this issue. If you ever need to stitch multiple sites behind a reverse proxy while developing locally, you will run into this issue.