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Environment variables section of Node servers docs should link to environment variables modules docs #12174

Open scottdotjs opened 2 weeks ago

scottdotjs commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the problem

Just a minor thing from a new user's perspective, it would be helpful for the documentation of environment variables on the Node servers page to have a link to the documentation for the runtime environment variables modules and vice versa.

Describe the proposed solution

"See also" links between the two pages.

Alternatives considered



nice to have

Additional Information

No response

Conduitry commented 2 weeks ago

I'm -0 on linking from the Node page to the general runtime env vars page (it doesn't seem to provide a lot of value), and I'm -1 on linking from the general runtime env vars page to the Node page (as these are specific runtime vars that only have special meaning in the Node adapter, and not any of the others).

These feel like fairly different things. One is 'I want to configure certain aspects of my production Node server that come from within SvelteKit' and the other is 'I have some runtime or build time environment variables set and I want to access them in my user code'. If the production Node apps switched to using a different mechanism for runtime configuration (a file, for example), there'd be no connection between these goals at all.

scottdotjs commented 2 weeks ago


I'm just someone who's been using SvelteKit for less than a day, had cause to find and read both of those sections, and learn which one was what I needed. The goal in this scenario was finding what I needed as a learner.

As a first time user, I have two main ways to find what I need to know in the SvelteKit documentation - the left side navigation or the search. Despite the specificity to which you refer, the Node adapter page is much further up in the left hand side navigation, so I encountered it first. Similarly, it's the first suggestion when searching for "environment variables". The information on private environment variables is held within the modules reference, which is much further down the navigation, and as a search result doesn't appear until you've scrolled past the hits in the Node adapter and Vercel sections.

When you're a new learner it's helpful to be advised that there are related and/or contrasting approaches, especially when shared terminology is involved. It lets you quickly identify the appropriate avenue rather than having to dig around. That's all.