sveltejs / kit

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Quick but dirty way to move svelte.config.js and tsconfig.json to subdirectory #8858

Closed weirdo-neutrino closed 1 year ago

weirdo-neutrino commented 1 year ago

Describe the problem

Monorepo problems

├── backend/
├── frontend/
├── svelte.config.js
├── tsconfig.json
├── vite.config.ts
└── package.json

Describe the proposed solution

├── backend/
├── frontend/
│   ├── svelte.config.js
│   ├── tsconfig.json
│   └── vite.config.ts
└── package.json
// package.json

// I have done it with passing `--project` option
    "scripts": {
        "f:sync":    "svelte-kit sync                --project frontend",
        "f:dev":     "npm run f:sync && vite dev     --project frontend --config frontend/vite.config.js",
        "f:build":   "npm run f:sync && vite build   --project frontend --config frontend/vite.config.js",
        "f:preview": "                  vite preview --project frontend --config frontend/vite.config.js"
// frontend/svelte.config.js

import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-node'

export default {
    kit: {
        adapter: adapter({
            out: 'build/frontend'
        files: {
            assets:        'frontend/static',
            hooks: {
                client:    'frontend/hooks.client',
                server:    'frontend/hooks.server',
            lib:           'frontend/src/lib',
            params:        'frontend/src/params',
            routes:        'frontend/src/routes',
            serviceWorker: 'frontend/src/service-worker',
            appTemplate:   'frontend/src/app.html',
            errorTemplate: 'frontend/src/error.html'
        outDir: 'build/.cache/frontend'
// frontend/vite.config.ts

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'

export default defineConfig({
    mode: process.env.VITEST,
    plugins: [
// frontend/tsconfig.json

    "extends": "../build/.cache/frontend/tsconfig.json"

Alternatives considered

This example in no way shows how it must be implemented in production. It's just a proof of concept and a starting point to make a patch for those who want this feature today. I have updated SvelteKit and Vite code directly inside node_modules to quickly make it work. There are not so much code so I just copied parts I modified with comments describing essential parts.

// Files I had to update
├── @sveltejs/
│   ├── kit/
│   │   ├── src/
│   │   │   ├── core/
│   │   │   │   ├── config/index.js
│   │   │   │   ├── postbuild/analyse.js
│   │   │   │   ├── sync/write_tsconfig.js
│   │   │   ├── exports/vite/index.js
│   │   │   ├── cli.js
├── vite/dist/node/cli.js
// node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/core/config/index.js

export async function load_config() {
    // Dirty way to take `--project` option value to make it work
    const index = process.argv.indexOf('--project');
    const directory = index !== -1 ? process.argv[index + 1] : '.';
    const filename = path.resolve(directory, 'svelte.config.js');

    if (!fs.existsSync(filename)) {
        // No longer uses cwd parameter
        return process_config({});

    const config = await import(`${url.pathToFileURL(filename).href}?ts=${}`);

    return process_config(config.default);

// No longer uses cwd parameter
function process_config(config) {
    const validated = validate_config(config);

    validated.kit.outDir = path.resolve(validated.kit.outDir);

    for (const key in validated.kit.files) {
        if (key === 'hooks') {
            validated.kit.files.hooks.client = path.resolve(validated.kit.files.hooks.client);
            validated.kit.files.hooks.server = path.resolve(validated.kit.files.hooks.server);
        } else {
            validated.kit.files[key] = path.resolve(validated.kit.files[key]);

    return validated;

// node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/core/postbuild/analyse.js

// Analyse process seems to be forked so `process.argv` is no longer valid.
// Passing required kit fields solves the problem.
async function analyse({ manifest_path, env, outDir, publicPrefix }) {
    // skipped

    const server_root = join(outDir, 'output');

    // skipped

    const prefix = publicPrefix;

    // skipped

// node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/core/sync/write_tsconfig.js

export function write_tsconfig(kit) {
    // Dirty way to take `--project` option value to make it work
    const index = process.argv.indexOf('--project');
    const directory = index !== -1 ? process.argv[index + 1] : '.';
    const filename = path.resolve(directory, 'tsconfig.json');

    const out = path.join(kit.outDir, 'tsconfig.json');

    const user_config = load_user_tsconfig(filename);
    if (user_config) {
        validate_user_config(kit, path.dirname(filename), out, user_config);

    // skipped

function load_user_tsconfig(filename) {
    if (!filename) return;

    const json = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8');

    return {
        kind: path.basename(filename),
        options: (0, eval)(`(${json})`)

// node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/exports/vite/index.js

// Analyse process seems to be forked so `process.argv` is no longer valid.
// Passing required kit fields solves the problem.
const metadata = await analyse({
    env: { ...env.private, ...env.public },
    outDir: kit.outDir,
    publicPrefix: kit.env.publicPrefix

// node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/cli.js

    // skipped
    // SvelteKit CLI requires to document new option
    .option('--project', 'Project root', '.')
    .action(async ({ mode, project }) => {
        const filename = path.resolve(project, 'svelte.config.js');

        if (!fs.existsSync(filename)) {
            console.warn(`Missing ${filename} — skipping`);

        // skipped

// node_modules/vite/dist/node/cli.js

    // skipped
    // Vite CLI requires to document new option
    .option('--project <path>', '[string] Project root');


would make my life easier

Additional Information

No response

weirdo-neutrino commented 1 year ago


weirdo-neutrino commented 1 year ago

Here is a smaller approach. It prints some warnings which can be solved, but I'm not going to polish it more. It does not require new flag, but requires new svelte config field.

// package.json

    "scripts": {
        "f:sync":     "svelte-kit sync",
        "f:dev":      "npm run f:sync && vite dev     --config frontend/vite.config.js",
        "f:build":    "npm run f:sync && vite build   --config frontend/vite.config.js",
        "f:preview":  "                  vite preview --config frontend/vite.config.js"
    "workspaces": [
// frontend/package.json

    "devDependencies": {
        "@sveltejs/kit": "^1.3.6"
// frontend/svelte.config.js

import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-node'

export default {
    kit: {
        adapter: adapter({
            out: 'build/frontend'
        files: {
            assets:         'frontend/static',
            hooks: {
                client:     'frontend/hooks.client',
                server:     'frontend/hooks.server',
            lib:            'frontend/src/lib',
            params:         'frontend/src/params',
            routes:         'frontend/src/routes',
            serviceWorker:  'frontend/src/service-worker',
            appTemplate:    'frontend/src/app.html',
            errorTemplate:  'frontend/src/error.html'
        outDir: 'build/.cache/frontend',
        project: 'frontend'
// frontend/tsconfig.json

    "extends": "../../build/.cache/frontend/tsconfig.json"
// node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/core/config/index.js

export async function load_config({ cwd = process.cwd() } = {}) {
    const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8'));
    let config_file = undefined;
    if (pkg.workspaces) {
        const packages = Array.isArray(pkg.workspaces) ? pkg.workspaces : pkg.workspaces.packages;
        for (const directory of packages) {
            if (config_file !== undefined) break

            for (const dir of glob(directory, { cwd })) {
                const d = path.resolve(cwd, dir);

                const p = path.resolve(d, 'package.json')
                if (!fs.existsSync(p)) continue;

                const s = path.resolve(d, 'svelte.config.js')
                if (!fs.existsSync(s)) continue;

                const lpkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(p, 'utf8'));
                if (!lpkg.dependencies?.['@sveltejs/kit'] && !lpkg.devDependencies?.['@sveltejs/kit']) continue;

                config_file = s;

    if (config_file === undefined) {
        return process_config({}, { cwd });

    const config = await import(`${url.pathToFileURL(config_file).href}?ts=${}`);

    return process_config(config.default, { cwd });
// node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/core/config/options.js

project: string(process.cwd())
// node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/core/sync/write_tsconfig.js

export function write_tsconfig(kit) {
    const out = path.join(kit.outDir, 'tsconfig.json');

    const user_config = load_user_tsconfig(kit.project);
    if (user_config) validate_user_config(kit, kit.project, out, user_config);
dummdidumm commented 1 year ago

Could you please in a few short sentences (without much code) explain what exactly you want?

weirdo-neutrino commented 1 year ago

To move svelte.config.js and its tsconfig.json outside of root directory from where I can mange it as a subproject.

root |- project_1 |- package_2 |- sveltekit_directory_3 |- build_scripts_4

As an alternative you'll have to use some big tools like or or just use it standalone. It will be nice to have something in the middle with simple flags or config fields to direct whole tooling to subproject directory.

Rich-Harris commented 1 year ago

Why is it important to be able to run projects from outside the project directory? I don't understand at all what you're trying to do.

weirdo-neutrino commented 1 year ago

Okay. Look. I chose "would make my life easier" option at "Importance". It's not like I cannot call vite through --workspace. Or do some cd-in/cd-out. There are always ways around in software anyway. If someone will need it, there will be this issue with code above. Let's get pass this part.


I linked another enhancement issue 7444. It's only a matter of specifying new option field in kit object at svelte.config.js by modifying options.js and and loading it in write_tsconfig.js instead of cwd as far as I understood the code.

So the question is: Is it feasible to add another field to kit configuration in some future or I'm misunderstanding code/design?

Rich-Harris commented 1 year ago

The question isn't whether it's feasible, it's whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. I don't think they do. Having a predictable location for these files is beneficial for other tooling (such as editor integrations); we'd be losing that and adding API surface area.

would make my life easier

I'm not sure it does! This...

"scripts": {
  "f:sync":    "cd frontend && npm run sync",
  "f:dev":     "cd frontend && npm run dev"
  "f:build":   "cd frontend && npm run build",
  "f:preview": "cd frontend && npm run preview"
} clearly easier than this:

"scripts": {
  "f:sync":    "svelte-kit sync                --project frontend",
  "f:dev":     "npm run f:sync && vite dev     --project frontend --config frontend/vite.config.js",
  "f:build":   "npm run f:sync && vite build   --project frontend --config frontend/vite.config.js",
  "f:preview": "                  vite preview --project frontend --config frontend/vite.config.js"

As for tsconfig.json, you could easily have a tsconfig.config.json for typechecking your config files separately, if that's truly necessary.

weirdo-neutrino commented 1 year ago

So I miss understood design.

And considering "scripts" It will be easier to fire npm run dev -w frontent than having this facade of vague and highly conflicting/clashing names.

I think this issue can be closed.